So my [19M] girlfriend [19F] of about a month and a half came to visit me. We’re long distance and live cross country one to another. She’s leaving soon for a long time and we will be mostly long distance for probably about 3 years. We went out to the bar tonight and got pretty drunk with some of my friends. We had sex like an hour ago and whilst doing it, she asked me to take her patch (birth control) off and impregnate her. In the heat of the moment, I took the patch off and came inside of her, a little later I was looking for said patch so that we could put it back on and she seemed frustrated that I wanted to put it back on. During sex she told me numerous times that she “doesn’t care” that she “wants me to give her my child” and that she “want me for the rest of her life.” Now I love her to pieces and do believe she’s the one, but we are drunk, young and going long distance for a looooong while. I don’t know if she’ll be as mad tomorrow and am scared that she will have the same thoughts while sober. Any thoughts on this? Appart from that, she’s lovely and very normal. Just this just happened and I’m a little shocked right now. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Are you ready to be a father? Alternatively, are you ready to contribute significantly for child support? Are you prepared for the life changing realities which sometimes accompany these moments of stupidity?

  2. You’ve been with her a month, you don’t even really know her, let alone know if you love he,your small brain just thinks you do. This relationship is a giant red flagif it’s real.

  3. Some women say outrageous things during sex. She will be ok in the morning. Don’t remind her

  4. 1 month relationship already saying “I love you’s?” She wants you to get her pregnant that soon? No you well for one hope you didn’t get her pregnant and you cut ties what I’d do. This girl is not what you wanna be with. You’re gonna get burnt stuck on child support and raising a kid too soon. So many red flags here.

  5. Bro… not only is this the dumbest thing i’ve read on here in months, it’s also the scariest.

    If you want to believe it’s love and all of that after a month of LONG DISTANCE — fine. No problem.

    But getting her knocked up is a horrible horrible horrible idea.

    Even IF you do want to, just listen to everyone else and WAIT WAIT WAIT.

  6. This whole thing is bizarre but the effects of the patch will still be in place even if removed for a few mins. It’s not an baby on/baby off switch

  7. That’s too soon! If I did that for every woman I date, I’d be really a screwed respectfully so yeah so I’d REALLY get to know her before you have kid(s) together

  8. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨

  9. Sex is meant for having babies. It can work very arousing to think about this during sex – both for men and women. So when you are young – drunk – and maybe a bit afraid about your relationship during a LDR – this is not surprising.

    The point here is to have a talk about it (and use condoms).

    Point out that you want your child to grow up with both parents – and not live for a minimum of two years just by her. That you want to be involved in the upbringing of you children – not just get pictures.

    Make it clear – you want children with her – but as a joint project – not that she get pregnant and then move away and live like a single mother!

    Stick to this!!!

  10. This sounds like the kind of girl that would take a used tissue out of the trash and use it to impregnate herself. Pray that she doesn’t get pregnant, then run – don’t walk.

  11. It could be alibi sex. Meaning she may have already been pregnant with someone else’s child. Happen to a family member. She was dating two guys and picked the one with the most money to be the daddy.

    If she does get pregnant ask for a paternity test and do not sign that birth certificate.

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