i switched schools a while back and left behind some people i’ve been friends with since kindergarten, my new school is small and i don’t like the people there at all so the smart thing to do would make friends online right? i always think about making friends on xbox, discord, or apps like Yubo but never do. i know i need friends because i feel lonely but i never follow through and i don’t know why. i’ll join discord servers and text for 5 minutes then leave and not comeback until days later. as for xbox, i’m pretty self conscious about my voice and i’m awkward as hell so i guess that’s why i never turn on my mic. this is all just so frustrating because i want friends and people to talk to l, i just don’t know why i have this other thought process. i know this post is wack and unorganized but some tips or pointers would really help

  1. M(25) here and I went through something pretty similar when I turned 17. Moved from California to Minnesota. So I’ll throw in.

    First things first, everyone is self conscious about their voice whether they admit it or not. Unless they’re one of those talent having mfs then maybe not. But I swear to god the amount of times someone has walked in on me singing is utterly horrifying to think about.

    Second, take a second, no pun intended, and realize you’re still 17 and the only people coming to you for any meaningful answers are your teachers and parents. I have the unfortunate responsibility of ensuring my own existence now and it absolutely sucks.

    Third. Don’t worry so much about having friends right now. They come and they go. I didn’t meet my best friend till I was 19, and didn’t meet the rest of my good friends till 22 on Instagram of all places. None of us live in the same state but we all meet up multiple times every year. Sure I met others along the way but honestly not a lot turned out from the people I was trying to be friends with. All my good and healthier friendships were just frictionless. Like they were meant to be just because I was doing my own thing and perusing my own course. Allowed me to others like myself.

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