Back in September, I had surgery on a couple of my toes. The day after my boyfriend was taking care of me and invited his friend over. I was on the porch stairs and all 3 of us are outside. The friend told my boyfriend to go inside and my boyfriend laughed and said oh you going to talk me up? and did go inside. The friend starts talking to me and is now sitting next to me. Just causal. My bf texts me asking how everything’s going and I said okay. The friend sees and asks what I responded and I tell him.

The friend starts talking to i me again and 3 times in a span of a couple minutes he talks abour him and I having sex and I get very uncomfortable and I eventually notice that I am now sitting right against the stair rail. It’s to my right. I kept telling him no and then he would circle around to it then and then comment on parts of my body making him turned in and touched my leg and thigh. I’m shaking and unable to get up because of my surgery, I need help.

Boyfriend comes our and the friend acts like as if I’m being weird and when he goes back inside I tell bf what was up.

My boyfriend eventually cuts him off and today tells me that he’s waiting for the friend and they are going to talk and he’s going to hear him out and don’t worry he won’t see him on the regular.

Am I being unreasonable to be upset? In my mind I feel betrayed and as if he’s supposed to protect me and he invites this person back into his life.

Boyfriend reconnects with friend who was inappropriate with me.
I kept telling this guy no. He was saying inappropriate things to me, touched my leg and thigh and I had realized I had been pushed up against the rail during the convo and unable to grt up on my own due to recovering from surgery.

I’m just hurt and idk if I’m overreacting.

  1. No you’re not overreacting. Why TF would he be interested in “reconnecting” with a predator?

  2. This entire interaction is unsettling, from the friend telling your boyfriend to go inside (and him doing so), him texting you to see how it’s going, etc. His friend crossed a pretty serious boundary, I feel like you being upset is justified

  3. Not overreacting. I hate this guy and I wasn’t even there. Also would cause me to lose some trust in the boyfriend too

  4. Was your bf in on this? Why did he go inside and then text you? The whole thing is weird but if it was innocent on bf’s part, which I doubt, he needs to dump the friend or find a new gf. You don’t want this guy.

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