What’s the worst part about online dating for you?

  1. The audacity of some women to demand that we shoulder the burden of all their poor life decisions, or aren’t real men

  2. Being a man trying to compete for a small amount of women over a shit load of other thristy dudes.

  3. The fact you end up meeting people that you really shouldn’t ever meet. An algorithm isn’t a recipe for a good relationship long term. We’ve given everything to the free market, even our romantic lives. Idt ultimately that’s a good thing. The point is to accumulate data, not advance your social life.

  4. I’m in a ltr, but I would say that it allows women to be *even* more selective. To the point that 5% of the guys take 90% of the girls.

    Men are driven to be polygamous by evolution. After all, the more kids you have, the better you might expect your genes to propagate. (Although there is likely some advantage to the man defending, teaching and nurturing the young too. So perhaps there is a ceiling to this too).

    Women are driven to be maximally selective by evolution. This is because it takes great energy and risk to carry, give birth to and raise a child.

    I would say dating apps exacerbate this. Men swipe “yes” on everyone to find a match, women swipe “no” to almost everyone. Even those that women swipe “yes” to, they probably won’t date.

    As a guy, I have noticed in small towns I have visited, I am a novelty (peacock effect) but have a *much* better choice of interested women. They have less choice and not to be cocky, but I’m a reasonably good looking guy and competition tends to be lower in these towns than in big cities. My point here being that women have *much* less choice, so you’re more likely to be the best option for highly selective ladies. Small towns are the inverse of dating apps.

  5. low quality. can’t speak for men cause i dont date em but women on there are just, goodness they offer so little. Unattractive, single moms, bitter, lots of baggage, overweight etc. The quality girls are found out and about in public

  6. The user agreement

    Under user motivation, usual about 2 thirds down

    There are up to 65% “user motivation” profiles, which are owned and maintained by the owner of the app to “motivate” the user to spend money in the app

    Like, official fake profiles made by the app owner to make more money

    Then, the data usage…guess what right did you give them by agreeing to the user agreement…exactly, to use all data and pictures you gave them to make new “motivation” profiles in other countries and sell these to other dating app owners

    The gender gap

    If you register as male, basically everything needs premium, even matches are sometimes only premium

    As woman, like 80% of what males need to pay for, is free

  7. The fact that it was making me genuinely hate women. That was a bleak realization, and the reason why I stopped.

  8. The bots that swipe on you. Also the amount of dead accounts. Both of those combined equals feelings of rejection.

  9. Girl stock goes up, short men stock goes up, job class stock goes up, fatty stock goes up.

  10. It just feels like you’ve gotta do most of the work most of the time for a series of disappointing maybes.

  11. Being invisible. Not getting responses or matches. Having to put all the work into starting and maintaining conversations when you do get matches. Women are just so checked out on dating sites.

  12. Feeling unvaluable for getting very few matches and even of those who do match answer, and even a smaller percentage seem to be able to have an actual conversation with.

    In 4 years of using these apps I only once dated a woman, we met 3 times then she decided it won’t work out, which is fine. But at that rate I’ll never find someone.

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