How do you know for certain if your partner is cheating on you without checking their phones?

  1. either:

    1. Trust them; or
    2. Define “cheating” out of the relationship (i.e., open relationship); or
    3. both of the above.

  2. I don’t worry about that; if he’s going to cheat, he’s going to cheat and there is nothing I can do about that. I trust in our relationship and the life we’ve built together.

    My gut tells me there’s nothing weird going on; never has so I have no reason to think otherwise.

  3. They become distant and its just ‘off’

    An open, available person would just be honest with you. Conversations would flow, they wouldnt stutter due to hesitating. Its just easy.

  4. If you feel the need to find definitive proof, then you already know the trust is gone from your relationship. Is he trustworthy or not? If not, what do you gain from seeing the hard evidence? Why stay with someone who is shady and doesn’t make you feel safe and loved?

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