Okay so my husband and I have been been together for like 3 years. He’s gone down on me twice. Only because I told him I really wanted it. It was horrible anyways. I suck his dick all the time, which I love. I love pleasing him. I told him I feel like I do more and I’d like him to do more to please me. All he said was it’s not a competition and he says he’s on top which is enough. It’s gotten boring. I currently produce milk and i told my husband it’d turn me on if he sucked on my tits. He said no. I mean I’m not going to force him and he has the right to his actions. It’s just crazy because he always said how he used to do kinky stuff in his past yet I see none.

  1. Cut him off from head fuck it – I mean don’t get me wrong I’m far from a square and idk how I’d react with that whole milk thing but the going down is a no no — take oral off the table until it’s returned. I’ll never understand guys who don’t go down.

    Tell him like this —

    Sex without going down is playing a video game on expert.

    Sex after going down is playing on novice

  2. I would leave someone like this , not too long before you build up serious resentment .

  3. >All he said was it’s not a competition

    Challenge that. Yes, it is. Are you an insecure teenager? It is a competition and I win every day. What do you want to do about that?


    >I currently produce milk and i told my husband it’d turn me on if he sucked on my tits.

    I assume that “leave him” is not an option right now, so try the above first.

  4. My initial thought was that he is a selfish moron. But then after a re-read…
    Different perspective – “it was horrible anyways” maybe he’s not sure how to go down on you and make you feel good? It could be more of an insecurity thing than a selfish thing? Does he try and make you feel good in other ways?

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