Or do you disagree?

  1. Because women “compete” with other women. All those standards aren’t really for men.

  2. High beauty standards are more set by the entertainment industry than actual men. They want the most visually appealing people on the cover of the movie so you are more likely to watch it subconsciously. Women feel a need to compete biologically, in the same way men feel the need to have sex with the most appealing female in the vicinity. The truth is at a very base level it all comes down to biology, find yourself a man who doesn’t care because he’s able to control his own thoughts and emotions.

  3. Visual standards in media are high. Practically impossible. But most guys I know understand that such visuals are contrived and therefore unrealistic. (See: any Kardashian pic.)

  4. I’m like 99% sure that studies run through dating apps have repeatedly found that women have far higher standards than men when it comes to what each group considers to be attractive.

  5. Women create the beauty standards, men just like everything, except for fat chicks. Even then, some men like fat chicks.

  6. The beauty standards aren’t set by us. A stiff breeze can get us frisky.

  7. those things do not correlate.

    men can find an extremely beautiful woman more beautiful than others, and still happily fuck a hooker sleeping on 4 week old pizza boxes with a moldy crust pillow.

    men will take any crumb of affection and turn that into beauty, women have very high standards of men as of current.

    which, yknow that’s fair.

  8. They’re not. Most men are happy if women aren’t morbidly obese and have showered.

  9. Men don’t have very high standards, women do like to add pointless requirements however

  10. Disagree. I’m not saying I’d fuck the pizza box hooker, but I can find a lot of people attractive who aren’t flawless media darlings. Real people have wrinkles, scars, freckles, asymmetric boobs, etc. Women of so many types are attractive.

    What isn’t attractive is being slovenly, lazy, or with poor hygiene. Okay at work, there are two bigger gals in the same department. One wears a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants to work every day. The other wears nice professional and feminine clothing and obviously does her hair and makeup every day. Guess which one is attractive?

  11. Because women set them, and women then blame men for it, its y’all that set them in the first place! Im yet to see a fat james corden on the cover of sports illustrated.

  12. That would be because those two things have almost nothing to do with one another. Female standards of beauty are most influenced by other women.

  13. We don’t set those, ask most guys and they’ll tell you all they need is a place and a woman. Now just because I have a high sex drive doesn’t mean I enjoy the sex from every woman. Sometimes when the sex is bad it’s just better to take care of yourself than bother with sex with them.

  14. Lol, lololololololol! Hahahaha! Super hot guys have sex with disgusting women all the time, they just never tell anyone about it.

  15. Men don’t set female beauty standards. Women do. It’s a way to gain status – a genetic pecking order that gives the winners the ability to select the best partners and live a life of privilege. Men will fuck anything. Just ask them.

  16. I’ve dated girls all over the beauty spectrum, and some weren’t classically beautiful, but the person beneath the face is way more important. But I also think that some girls with “great personalities” are actually really boring.

  17. this is mostly generalization, since the variance from person to person is so vast, but the question was asking generally so i figured i would answer.

    the standards of female beauty are dictated by marketing ads that we have been bombarded with our whole lives, then reinforced by other women as a pseudo status symbol. in reality most of us are probably just happy to be there because the “barrier to entry” for sex is set by women, not men, so women can choose who, where, and when to have sex (barring sa crimes)

    also our sex drives are probably about the same as womens are (in the modern day) but historically it was probably higher because men have like a 1 day cooldown before they can procreate for reproduction while women have a cooldown of 1-9ish months depending on whether or not the last male was successful but they were also higher for both sexes because being bored isnt exactly a new phenomena

  18. You’re blaming the wrong people again. And as for men’s sex drives, I don’t know why we’re even questioning something so self evident.

  19. Standards for female beauty are not high at all. It is mostly don’t be fat. From there it’s your fashion choice. Considering the beauty standard is attained by not doing something I would say that the standards are not very high nor difficult.

    This also means just about every woman can attain them. The majority of men already find more than 50% attractive. If somehow all women managed to not be fat, that percentage would probably be over 90%.

  20. They aren’t that high. Men aren’t actually that picky. What we say we prefer and who we’ll actually sleep with/date are two different things. I, for example, have literally never been with my ideal body type in a woman. And I still manage to get it up and have great sex. Men like to talk big, but sometimes you just take what you can get.

    It’s women who are holding each other to a high standard. I don’t even care about most of the stuff women do to make themselves feel attractive (note: feel vs. be)

  21. There is a chorus here of men saying that the beauty contest is driven largely by women, for women. (I’ll leave out the trans phenomenon and the gays who have been with us since Herodotus.) I have yet to see a man devoted to the Globe and Mail style section. Most shopping for men’s clothes is done by women. Virtually the whole shooting match of fashion is a female project. Heterosexual males have little to do with it. At one time the fashion industry was blamed by feminists on men (the term toxic had not arrived). ‘Look at what we are reduced to because of your lust!’ Today the defence is, ‘Well I’m dressing for myself.’ Now if women really are dressing for themselves (and dressing their men for themselves) and are going to be truthful and frank about that, then they are straight up responsible for a huge chunk of the global warming crisis. Houston we have a problem and it is her behaviour.

  22. So that beauty companies can sell women shit they don’t need. It’s starting to happen with men to

  23. Lmao the standards for female beauty are created entirely by other females.

    Men don’t give a flying fuck.

    My sex drive is so high that basically if you’re a nice and logical person and don’t smell like poo or pee then you’re alright in my book.

  24. The male standard for female beauty is not high at all. You can have any body type, there’s almost no genetic trait that is unattractive. Pretty much 90% of a woman’s beauty is totally under her control (athletic muscle structure, clothes, hair). A beautiful woman is one that has attained comfort with her body.

    Arguably the beauty standards for men are more difficult to attain because a lot of traits are not under their control (facial bone structure, height, hair loss rate). I’d say around 50% of a man’s beauty can be made through small changes and practice (without surgery for example).

    Or maybe the idea that women care about genetics and hormonal traits in men is false too.

  25. Because both were beliefs perpetuated by media as marketing tools to sell shit.

  26. Self reported high sex drive male: 95% of women on tinder with a picture are good enough looking for me.

    I’m much more likely to reject based on what you’ve written in the bio or if you did not bother writing one at all.

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