If you have sexual urges, you could just masturbate to get rid of it and be fine. At least in my experience… I’ve heard many stories from folks where they’ve said sex wasn’t really great and that they’ve had a more enjoyable time masturbating. What really separates the two>

  1. If you are capable of connecting to a partner through sex even if it’s casual, then the physical pleasure combines with the intimacy to create joy that’s far superior to masturbation even if it’s more work. At least that’s how it is for me.

    For people who struggle to connect through sex, or don’t experience much pleasure during, I can see why masturbation might be preferable.

  2. The only people who make a big deal about sex are virgins and dude bros with self-esteem issues. People who have had regular sex will tell you that it’s not that big a deal. More important then the act of having sex is the person you having sex with and why. Your kinks matter as well and how your partner responds to them.

    Assuming your practicing safly there’s no reason to restrain yourself until you find the mythical “one”, but don’t stress yourself out thinking it’s something you need, because you don’t

  3. For me sex satisfies a slightly different need than masturbation. They may be somewhat related but they’re different. Best way I can describe it is I have a need to cum and a need to make someone else cum.

    They can be satisfied together or separately, and they can influence each other. But they can’t replace each other. I’m not truly satisfied without both. It’s like still being itchy if I only masturbate and don’t have sex, or vice versa.

    Sex is also an amazing way to connect with a partner. It takes me out of my head and opens me up emotionally. For me it’s the difference between just having a really close friend and having a romantic partner.

    As to whether sex is worth it, it is for me. But everyone is different and for some it most likely isn’t. So you’ll have to determine if it is for you.

  4. Definitely worth it. Doesn’t matter how much I masturbate, it will never replace sex. Sex is about more than just penetration and cumming, and nothing can replace the feeling of another person.

  5. IMO…Sex is overrated when you are doing it to be doing it. Doing it with someone random that you don’t have an emotional or romantic relationship is vastly different to sex with your significant other that is sensual, affectionate and passionate. Having someone desire you is 1000x better than getting off by yourself with your hand or toy

  6. For me, sex with someone I love is just about the greatest, most fulfilling thing in my life. It’s what keeps the bond strong, reinforces the commitments we have made in life, and gives me the most intense physical pleasure I have ever known. It is my happy place. My safe space. It is sacred.

    Hookups are just release, and not much else.

  7. Guy here. Personally in my experience masterbation takes the spot and cannot be replaced. The reason why I say this is because PIV sex is pretty damn painful. Plus I cannot enjoy myself and “relax” with a girl like everyone makes it out to be easy so masterbation for me nothing feels better

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