I (25f) and my partner (28m) have a child together. My partners sister (let’s call her A ) comes to watch our child while my partner works from home and I go to work out of the home.

A lives 30 miles away from us and doesn’t drive so to have her come help we need to pick her up and take her home and its quite a ways. Yesterday afternoon our child was very tried and upset and missing me and I had been gone at work all day (I get up at 5 to go to work) Husband was up with the baby a little in the night but was home all day and didn’t have to do much.

My husband wanted me to drive her home because he was “a bit tired ” I wanted him to do it as he still got to see out kid all day and was frustrated with them for being kinda grumpy. Instead I had to drive all that way in peek hour because he wouldn’t just to help me and our kid out.

Im annoyed at him for not doing it, is that fair, or am I an ass ?

This kind thing happens all the time with him even when I had a newborn he would expect me to do stuff like that and not him im over it.

TL;DR husband is lazy and made me drive hours to take his sister home after being at work for 12 hours because he was a little tired.

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