Me (20F) and my boyfriend (20M) have been dating for a year. Yesterday we were talking about our exes and he told me that he used to 5’5+ and super skinny women. One of his ex’s was a model keep in mind. I’m 5’2 and 130 pound, i have gained a lot of weight because i was quite depressed last year and stoped going to the gym and eating healthy. He pretty much told me that those women back then they were his type and if we met 2 years ago he probably wouldn’t have been with me. I feel super insecure about it now, I am trying to loose the weight but i feel like he is going through a faze and when he snaps out of it he will break up with me.
I can’t help it i feel quite disgusting and that he sees me like a downgrade idk what to do. I don’t really want to talk about it with him because i know he wouldn’t tell me the truth if he thought that since he is very respectful

TL;DR my boyfriend told me that he used to date model looking girls and I’m 5’2 and 130 pounds and i feel super insecure and that he’s going through a faze and he sees me as a downgrade

  1. If he used those words, he is a jerk, but it sounds like you are paraphrasing based on some knowledge of his ex’s appearance and your own insecurities? If he loves you, compliments your appearance, does not compare you to his exes or try and get you to diet/exercise to look more like them, then stop worrying about it.

  2. If he actually said these words, and it is not just your interpretation, please don’t stay with him.

    But, he’s 20. Telling your partner how they are different to every ex is not a wise move, but 20 year old men are often not very wise. Is it possible he was trying to say that 2 years ago his type was one thing, and now his type is you?

  3. You’re not even big, not that it would matter if you are. He sounds shallow.

  4. 5’2 and 130 is not even fat wtf. Also why did he feel the need to tell you if it was two years ago he would not date you? He makes it sound as though his standards were higher back then but now he’s settling. Wtf. He sounds really rude and not worth it. Their is nothing wrong with being short. Their is nothing wrong with your weight either. Find a man who loves you and the way you look.

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