My bf ejaculated with condom and it was already our third round so there was not much that came out and it looks watery so he still decided to continue thrusting. the condom did not break. the continuation was only 3-4 thrust. There was no 4th ejaculation but when we looked at the condom again the white stuff was gone but we just assumed that it went through the base. I just need some confirmation because I’ve been overthinking for 3 days now.

  1. What’s more important is if you are ovulating or if you will be in the next 5ish days.

    Do you track your cycle?

  2. Next time, go for Plan B or another morning after pill if that’s an option.

    Odds of pregnancy are slim but very rarely true zero.

  3. I would rather be safe then sorry I keep plan b with me are you in a green or red state

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