What do you want to brag about? No one‘s judging. Brag, let’s hear it.

  1. I won my first amateur boxing match. I made the other side throw in the towel. Feels great.

  2. All my friends still live at home (I’m 20) but I’ve moved country to Finland and am loving life atm

  3. I won mvp my first year of inline hockey and won league mvp my first year of ice hockey

  4. Just moved back home after 3 years of travelling and adventuring. I’ve ticked off a plethora of bucket-list items. In that time I’ve also managed to remain debt-free, covid-free, healthy and am now in the best situation I have ever been in financially. My mental health is the best it’s ever been and I’ve never had more drive and motivation in life.

  5. My son got himself a full ride scholarship to a very good college and I am very, very proud of him. (Also relieved that we won’t have the burden of paying for college.)

    I know a lot of people struggle with paying college tuition, so I don’t brag about him much. But I sometimes feel like shouting it from the rooftops.


    Edit: Here’s the story since some people have asked and it might provide some useful information and/or inspiration. (The moral of the story is–It never hurts to try.)

    I’ve never pestered my kids to get perfect grades or anything. Just encouraged them to do the best they could and to discover things they really enjoy doing.

    My son is a musician. He’s loved music since he was a baby. I’m a professional musician myself and, although I naturally encouraged his love of music, I certainly never would have pushed him towards a career in music. It’s a very hard way to make a living. There’s really not much money in it. Music is a lot like athletics. Sure, every kid dreams of playing in the NBA, but it’s not a good idea to pursue that as your career goal.

    But I could tell my son was the real deal, so I kept my eye on him. He wasn’t one of those guys who wants to be a “star” and who thinks that rapping a few lines over a drum beat makes him special. My son had/has a deep love for the music itself. He joined the school band, of course. But one thing that really caught my attention was his love of composition. When he was about 13, he downloaded an open-source music notation program and taught himself how to use it, and he started writing his own pieces.

    So my son kept being a regular student and playing in the school band, and every now and then he would send me the latest piece he was writing. These are pretty serious compositions, like modern symphony-type things, not pop songs. He took all the music classes he could at high school and did pretty well at them.

    So, now, time for college. We’re not rich, so we figured he’d go the usual route. Our state has a very large state school that everyone goes to. One of those big schools that plays football on national TV. It’s in another city about fifty miles away. My son applied and got accepted. They also offered a few scholarships, so he applied for those, too.

    For a music program, in addition to the usual stuff, you also go down and audition with a faculty member. So my son drove down there and auditioned and they offered him a small scholarship. We figured we were all set. Take the scholarship, get a loan for the rest, and off we go.

    There’s also a very good private school here in our city. It’s a great school, but the tuition is very expensive. But we figured it doesn’t hurt to try, so he applied for that school and set up an audition. He went down for the audition and took along some of the compositions he’s been writing.

    The professor who auditioned him really liked him and offered him a nice scholarship on the spot. The trouble was, even with the scholarship, the school was too expensive. So my son said “Thanks, but no thanks,” and that was the end of it.

    Then, later that day, the professor called my son and said, “I talked to the dean and we really want you to be a student here. If you come to our college, we will pay for everything.” So my son said, “Yes, thank you,” and that was it.

    So that’s the story. Sorry it’s so long. I think you can see what the obvious takeaway here is. It never hurts to at least take a shot at something. Shake the tree a little bit and see if anything falls out. Colleges always offer and advertise a bunch of standard scholarships just to set a baseline, but they do have flexibility. The scholarships they offer are a starting point, but they are not fixed in stone. They can do more if they think it’s worth it.

  6. I’ve reached a point in life where I don’t care about what anyone else thinks about me

  7. For 15 years I’ve had this image in my head of what my dream woman would be like – she would be super hot (obv), a mad keen climber, a mad keen cyclist, walker, adventurer, hard as nails, creative, spiritual, financially independent and most importantly on my wavelength, however I don’t really meet that many women, especially like this, I didn’t think they existed. However, 2 months ago I just bumped into this exact woman on the crag and now we are inseparable, feels amazing 🤩

  8. I have the best husband in the world!!! I can’t believe sometimes that he chose me!!! 🥰

  9. I am higher educated in the Japanese language than my native language (English). I went from zero to fluent enough to pass Japanese university entrance exams in a little over a year.

  10. My wife and I sold our house at the top of the market! We lived there for 3 years and got every mortgage payment we made plus a little back in profit! And everyone I knew was saying I bought it at the top of a bubble, but I just had a good feeling.

    I’m starting a new career (truck driving) and making awesome money for the first time in my life.

    I learned a new trick dealing with some of my anxiety-inducing thoughts and it’s been helping me feel better.

    I dropped my last vice, nicotine, over a month ago! No drugs for me anymore, not even caffeine.

  11. I’m about to be the first of my family to own property without a Husband/wife at 25 with zero debt. Everyone in my family either rents or is currently in college or returned to college besides my parents who bought their first home together at 41

  12. Graduated from a top university with a mathematics/engineering degree. Also got a job lined up. Not specifically the field I want but way better than having no job.

  13. I worked in a factory 10 years ago and convinced myself one day I can quit and start my own business. I now employ 25 people and work most days on my hobbies or spend time with my kids with full financial freedom. Zero help from anybody to get started.

  14. My photography is exploding lately. Name and face recognition Instagram followers etc. I’m becoming more and more confident I can turn into a self sustaining small business hobby.

  15. I fell off a cliff once, over 25 feet and didn’t have a scratch on me.

  16. I got told by the company I work for not to quit, because I’m the best in my job.

    Im still quitting, if they valued me that much they should have priven it 3 months ago.

    And yes I know every inch of the ship I work on, I can work the deck, the crane, at the helm. Even a little bit of the engine department. I figure they will call me even after I quit fully, because I am one of the last people who knows how the systems operate.

  17. I studied law in the UK came back to turkey, finished my equivalency program in a year (rare) while working a full time job and finished my legally required internship and am a fully licensed lawyer today. It only set me back a year and a half from those who just studied law in turkey and did the intern ship at a regular pace. I know almost everyone would kill to have a UK law degree for an extra 1.5 yrars. I’m mentally exhausted but am proud.

  18. i don’t have car, i don’t have house but i also don’t have debt

    i’m not rich, just middle class, but i have so many free time, i only work 10-15 hours per week, this free time feel luxury for me, it’s more valuable than money

    i live near the beach, be able to surf 2-3 times a week

  19. Well I recently started standup comedy and got some laughs so I guess that’s something.

  20. I’m sober. I have a home. I have a loving relationship with an amazing woman and wife. I am stable at my job. I am happy.

    I didn’t have any of those with a heroin needle in my arm.

    4 years 17 days clean and sober

    I have won life anything from here is a bonus

    I didn’t think this was possible nor did I think I could do it and love myself.

  21. Beat homelessness, beat the needle, beat meth, beat heroin and fentanyl, survived multiple overdoses, coma, beat paralysis, went back to college, and started my career, now am the soul provider of my wife and 3 kids with a nother on the way. Took me 5 years to pull my head out my ass but I fucking made it. Can’t shit stop me.

  22. I’m still alive! (I haven’t survived anything else, other than my suicidal thoughts lol.)

  23. I’ve been saving and investing some of every paycheck since my 20s and now have a net worth of about 1.9M.

  24. I got the chance to perform at The Bitter End in Greenwich Village NY. So many famous people have performed there. It’s not necessarily a big deal but it means a lot to me.

  25. Despite all the noise and bad news on the 24/7 news feeds, I think im doing okay really.

  26. I’m a sous chef, and I work at a pretty high end country club. This past weekend, one of the rich board members who always complains came in to eat…he’s so particular that usually only the head chef cooks for him. Well this time I was the one who made his meal, and he told the waitress it was the best pork chop he’s ever had. She came back and told me right in front of the head chef and the rest of the crew. Felt pretty damn good.

  27. As of Jan 2022 when I filed my tax return, I made more than my dad, doing exactly what he told me not to.

    When my A2 level exams were cancelled in 2020 I suddenly found myself with insane amount of free time. I had an idea to take over a failing family business from my mum’s side of family with my older brother. Built up the courage to pitch our ideas to our grandfather, who at the time was the sole owner and he was more than happy to sell the business to his grandchildren cheaply, luckily for us.

    The time that I would have otherwise spent on studying, I spent on learning basic accounting, business laws, taxation laws, industry regulations, operations etc whilst my brother picked up the other half of the burden. My dad thought it would be a waste of time and constantly berated me for not focusing on my engineering studies.

    Going into my third year at uni, my grades are pretty mediocre, but I’m paying my own tuition, have my own place, and pretty much have enough money to openly disobey him. My brother has also completed his own transformation from a depressed, twice dropped out business management grad in 2020 to a much more confident and happier man in 2022.

    Wish I could brag about all this to him but we’re not on talking terms anymore.

  28. My Muay Thai trainers said my skills have gotten really good and I’m getting way better.

  29. im drug free since 2018

    im smoke free since 2020

    im down 14,5 kgs since january

    i havent played a second in a game since january as well

  30. I grew up poor as fuck living in squished apartments with a bunch of siblings. I bought my own house earlier this month!

  31. I’m in 8th grade and I’m taking trig for tenth graders at a gifted high school (US)

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