How to fix this?

  1. Maybe you need some hobbies to talk about?

    It’s the same for me with new people

  2. People love talking about themselves. Ask questions or even just quote whatever they say, example: “my dog is brown” .. and you’ll say- “is your dog brown?”

    Ppl. are stupid. Never forget.

  3. i like to say the weird observations i have, the stuff that amuses me when im alone. some people dont care, but if you find someone who thinks like you it becomes fun. good way to filter out whom youre compatible with and whom youre not

  4. Say this, I’m boring, there you go. Man find an intrest in something, or ask what others are interested in and why and boom.

  5. Find interests that others have.
    Talk about similar interests.
    Segway into personal interests you don’t share.
    Explain interest.

    Also humor. Develop humor and practice it. Understand that not all kinds of humors are liked by others so if you find one you really like, just enjoy it and find people who also enjoy it.

  6. Listen man, are you silent in your head? Ofcourse not, you have thousands of thoughts and ideas. Just say them out loud.

  7. Like other people on this thread said, ask questions. If the answer has something to do that is relevant with your life, share it.
    Ford. Family, occupation, recreation, dreams. My go to ice breaker is what do you like doing for fun? That’s pretty interesting. I’ve never tried it. What do you like about it. That seems pretty amazing. How do you get into something like that.
    Can’t ask too many questions consecutively, otherwise it will seem like you are interrogating them.
    I think of a conversation like a tennis or ping pong rally. You hit the ball at them, let them do their thing, and hope that they hit the ball back to you. If someone drops the ball, pick up another ball and see if they want to hit it back.
    Not everybody likes to talk. If they don’t want to hit the ball back, politely eject yourself in the situation. No need to stick around and be creepy.

  8. I find the best talking points to be
    1. Current affairs national or International
    2. Sports
    3. Work life/ home life.
    4. Gossips bout neighbour’s kids etc..

  9. It is better to be thought of as a fool then to open one’s mouth and prove it

  10. I usually don’t have anything to say to people either. I really like listening to people though. I think the comments on here that suggest asking people about themselves are good advice, and I think it also helps to mirror their energy when they’re talking about their interests. It can be hard when you’re usually reserved (which it sounds like maybe you are? I don’t want to make assumptions), but as with many skills, it’s easier with practice.

  11. Silence isn’t a bad thing. If used right, it can be a strength. Listening is the most important part of a conversation. It means you care.

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