Ive been seeing someone lately. The other day I was talking about my parents and he asked me if they knew we were dating. I asked him if he consider us dating and he said yes. I asked if he thinks this was exclusive and he told me it was in his side but I could sleep anyone if I wanted. (he took it back this “permission” the day after, which I am not happy about ha)

He mentioned a lot about me being cold, act distant, and not romantic. He said I am super attractive and beautiful but I act like a dude.

It somewhat annoys me cause I am not acting cold. I am not touch feely person not because I dont like it but because I dont know if I can do it as I want(I dont have that much experience with guys though nobody told me as he did.
I think i act sweeter day by day so what he said is more confusing me.

What bothers me is that if he wants to be closer and have some intimate with me, why he doesn’t try to do so? Rather he kinda tease or blame on me. Is it some kinda gaslighting?

  1. Also, he might not want to make the first move in case you don’t feel the same way. If you want something more intimate, you can tell him so or make the move yourself. I find touching someones arm or putting your hand on theirs is enough for them to get the point.

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