I think mine is coming up on its 5th birthday.

  1. We finally threw out our marmite jar last week. It was at least 3 years old. Possibly 5.

  2. My sister has some champagne marmite that she got as a valentine’s gift. That’s been in the cupboard for about 12 years.

  3. The old ones about 5 weeks old and has a piece of toast worth’s left, new jar at the ready.

    How it lasts for years in some of your houses is a mystery.

  4. Ours never lasts more than a few weeks. Me, the missus and our 16-year old fucking love the stuff.

  5. About five weeks old. It’s a 500g jar, and it’s three quarters empty.

  6. I need to search the cupboards to be sure, but I might not actually have one in stock right now and that worries me

  7. Few weeks. I don’t like it on its own, but chucking some in a lentil ragu gives it a lovely umami-ness.

  8. Few weeks, have a spare cos I get moody if I run out of marmite or peanut butter.

    Depends if we buy crumpets, then that runs out s lot faster

  9. I have a jar in my cupboard that I got for one of my sisters at the start of Lockdown when everything flew off the shelves. It’s just sitting there unopened.

  10. Not old, I go through phases with marmite. I am on a marmite binge right now, doing a jar a fortnight right now.

  11. Found a large jar at my dad’s. Best before Nov 18. Just gets better with age.

  12. Almost a month. It’s been a slow-Marmite month. It’ll be done in July, though.

  13. I dont eat a lot of marmite, but every so often I’ll think ‘Hmm, buttered toast with marmite would be good about now’

    never had a jar last longer than ~6 months

  14. My chilli Marmite is about 4 weeks old and needs replacing soon. My Marmite XO is about 1 week old and is reasonably full for a few more breakfasts /suppers left in it, the Normal marmite has just been finished and we need a new one. Our bag of Marmite peanuts have also all gone as has our Marmite peanut butter. I have get to try Marmite truffle but will likely be picking some up next time I go shopping.

  15. My jar of XO is barely 2 weeks old & half done 🙁

    Thankfully my mate saw them in the local Lidl & bought me the two jars that were left – nowhere else locally stocks XO, so I usually have to plump for the yellow top.

  16. I use Aldi’s own brand, it’s almost as good and a quid cheaper. 240g lasts a couple of weeks

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