The most bizzare, successful, strongest, weakest, poorest, evil, creepiest people seem to be ovewhelmingly men.

Men seem to dominate the fringes of society: The most successful are clearly men, but we tend to forget those who are rejected from society are also men.

Women seem more moderated, both biologically and societally.

  1. Society is stricter and harsher towards men. It isn’t behaviour, but rather the harshness towards it

  2. Societal pressure and higher rate of mental health issues, amongst other things

  3. There is something known as the “greater male variability” hypothesis. Long story short, one of the sexes in a species normally has more variability in their traits. It’s preferable to have males vary more than the females since females are the bottlenecks to reproduction. For example, if variability in females caused unfavorable birth defects/mutations, all of her children will inherit that bad trait. If the variability is in the males then the females can still have kids with other males who will not have those bad traits.
    The theory is that in humans, males are the sex with greater variability. You’ll see more male geniuses but also more male dumbasses. Females will tend to hover over the average.

  4. There’s a lot men are condemned for that women don’t get any flack for doing. Like so many women don’t seem to think twice about generalizing, objectifying, etc men.

  5. I don’t feel like men are more extreme than women. I think women are better at hiding it than men are.

  6. We’re genetically programmed to compete and jockey amongst other men to be the best. We don’t have to think about it we just do it. This is the part about the male power dynamic women dont seem to ever get. We strive to win, improve, keep score, judge, and excel in everything we do. I suppose because in caveman days that’s how we protected the tribe and got the women.

  7. Because society treats men as disposable. If you run into hard times
    it’s all on you, sink or swim. Not the same for women.

  8. One X chromosome vs two, and the Y is tiny. Men’s traits are less moderate overall because of this.

  9. Testosterone inhibits the ability to weigh risks properly as such you see much more on extreme sides as they are more prone to take risks. Chemically a Fortune 500 ceo and broke homeless person likely share similar high testosterone levels.

  10. Because men are more diverse than women. This is most obviously (and least controversially) obvious in height. The average female height is 5’3″ with a standard deviation of 2.5″, whereas the average male height is 5’9″ with a disproportionately larger standard deviation of 4″.

    This same trend seems to be universal. Height, weight, muscle mass, how bullshittingly handsome of ugly someone is, intelligence, emotional range and stability, and of course everything which is influenced by any of those things which means wealth, social status, criminality, etc.

    The most obvious explanation is simply the XY chromosomal setup, having no redundancy and simply more information, as the Y chromosome is so small and only having the one X. Same reason men go bald so much more often.

  11. Greater male variability theory is Men have to go a weirder and wider range, where as in nature women’s lives were more consistent, and can be expended easier with less loss so nature doesn’t stay consistent and throws shit at the wall to see what sticks

  12. Fringe women realise that they’re on the fringes and just stay home because it’s probably safer. Men don’t have that fear.

  13. Because we are.

    It’s called Testosterone.

    It causes people to be competitive and agressive.

    When the woman we’re with gets pregnant our testosterone drops because it’s an advantage for raising young to reduce your chances of doing competitive/agressive/crazy stuff that could get you killed.

  14. Males are nature’s dice.

    The females select and mate with the men that work the best for that environment.

    Male aggression was k-selected by women over eons of evolution.

  15. Women are just as extreme it’s just there isn’t a light shined on the evil that women do.

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