Ever since I can remember I’ve struggled with social anxiety and although there’s nothing wrong with introversion it’s not a trait that I personally like about myself. For the past few years I’ve had multiple failed attempts with trying improve my social skills. I want to be able to talk to everyone and anyone – family, friends, peers, coworkers, elders, etc, but there’s a few things I struggle on and need to improve before I can be the person I wish to be. If you have any tips, videos, books, mottos, and anything that has helped you with any of the points below please share. Some things I struggle with are:

1. Not knowing what to say at all or how to seem interesting and be fun.

2. Stuttering and not having great vocal clarity and projection.

3. Having enough social battery/energy to last during events and not just totally shut down and be quiet especially towards the end.

4. Increase motivation to talk to people. Sometimes I go to an event and have no drive to get out of my comfort zone even though I was pumped and ready prior.

5. Being awkward with handshakes, hugs, introductions, eye contact, body language.

6. Social anxiety and being comfortable doing dumb things. I totally understand no one cares but me though I still feel the anxiety.

7. Knowing what to do when at a big party and gathering and not just 1 on 1 convo. I just stand by myself awkwardly or quietly follow someone around. When everyone is in their own circle and having their own convos I’m literally checking weather app on my phone

8. Also I can barely talk to girls even though I know there’s no difference between them and guys.

9. Being able to think quickly on my feet

10. Having a good balance between being too nice and not becoming a push over

11. Having good self esteem and not be afraid to play things like team sports I am not great at. When ever I’m at the gym I am too scared to play with everyone else because I am not good enough.

12. Lastly, every single speech and presentation I have done since I was a kid led to a bad grade even after tons of practice. I genuinely cannot talk off the top of my head so I end up staring at my notecards and my anxiety gets the best of me.

TLDR: need advice and resources on any of the bullets above.

  1. I never had it as bad as you. I do have social anxiety and some depression but was able to power through a good lot of it. But taking CBD oil full spectrum helps out a whole lot

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