I’ve just been told by this girl that she was kinda hurt I took too long. It didn’t seem like that to me but maybe I took this “think about baseball” thing too far and now I can’t go back.

How do you finish faster?

  1. Well if she is wet there isn’t any fast way to get it done faster so you ever dry her up or i don’t know another way.

  2. Hold my breath helps but having delayed ejaculation as long as I been alive, had me tired of doing it for hours with my now fiance. So I learned how to use angles and relax down there.

  3. Sounds like that’s a her problem? Did you give her an orgasm while you were pounding? More clit action and give her multiple orgasms.

  4. I joke with her about calling her friends to complain. I also remind her that finishing too fast would be a much bigger issue. During the actual act, after she cums the first time I’ll cuddle with her while still inside her, kissing, etc, but not much movement. After a bit, start moving slowly again, and I’ll usually finish before her second. For those times where I just won’t finish with PIV, she’ll either suck my balls or dance while I masturbate to finish.

    I finish before her first one about 10% of the time, with her about 20% of the time, maybe 20% finishing myself, and the rest inside her after her first. I think the most important thing you can do is explain to her it isn’t about you not being attracted to her or turned on (unless that is the problem, which would be something completely different), and you need to show her how much you enjoy her physical appearance when not actively engaged in sex (like kisses, random ass grabs, sincere comments about how much she turns you on). If you masturbate without her present, good idea to stop or do it less, as you’ll be more likely to finish faster. Also helps to think about what turns you on while having sex (if it’s something other than her you’re thinking about, don’t ever fucking tell her).

    Honestly, I’ve been on both sides of this problem. Finishing too fast and taking too long. Oddly, I finished faster with women I wasn’t as attracted to or didn’t care about as much, or sex that was very meh. And I completely understand how it makes her feel, so I make sure she gets assurances from me in other ways.

  5. When I was a teenager I could cum in seconds, swing forward to about 40 years later and I’m lucky if I can bust a nut in 30mins or less, sometimes it doesn’t even feel like you can

  6. My wife went through my Reddit account to see what kind of girls I like looking at because she thought her boobs were too small for me or I didn’t find her attractive anymore. I prefer small boobs. Honestly my back just really hurts and masterbating earlier that day didn’t help. I thought she wouldn’t be in the mood because she stays up late to do college homework. I stopped masturbating but my back hurts like crazy still, I have 4 herniated discs and I’m only 27. My wife thought she was the problem so I assured her that that wasn’t the case. I just say my back hurts and we stop. I don’t mind not cumming, kinda sucks but I hurt too bad to continue

  7. Women really will complain about anything and everything man. Tell her what she needs to do better if she wants you to wrap up faster. Although generally most women will complain about the opposite.

  8. Could be the positions you’re in. I have trouble finishing when the girl’s on top, but with doggy style I can cross the finish line pretty quick.

  9. I tried faking it. Worked some times. More hurt feelings when it didnt. Find someone you can be honest with and it be ok. Thats the end goal.

    Edit: May be older than some of the guys here. Thats what worked for me. Hurt some feelings in my teens and 20’s. Nothing wrong with any of the girls, enjoyed my time. Just didnt “finish” no biggie. As I understand it the shoe is normally on the other foot. Women usually come up short in the bed room. Do better yall.

  10. Wtf. You’re not obligated to finish when she tells you to. If she’s to lazy to learn about sex from the male perspective and it’s causing her distress that’s on her. It’s the information age. Imagine having an emotional breakdown because your girl didn’t squirt in 5 minutes like you wanted.

  11. I’m on SSRIs and can take a while getting to the point of orgasm, so I have a lot of experience with this.

    First, you need to have open communication. If either of you are feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT), stop and take care of those needs first. It’s hard to have a conversation with any of those things going on.

    Second. Reassure her that you definitely find her very sexy, but you don’t always come quickly. It sounds like you’ve trained yourself to slow down your orgasm because you don’t want to finish too quickly, and now you have the opposite problem. This is just how your body works, and it isn’t about her being attractive. You could go for kinkier sex, that may help you get to the point of no return faster, but that won’t address her thinking that you don’t find her attractive. She needs to believe you when you say that, because the penis isn’t a reliable witness.

    Third. If you’re self conscious about taking too long, you’re probably going to take too long. If either of you are impatient, or stressed over this, well, a watched cock never blows. It’s hard to not think about something, so you’ll have to agree that how fast you reach orgasm isn’t the sign of good sex. It’s whether you both have fun.

    Take the pressure off of it. Take a break and get a snack and something to drink. Then, you can focus on your dick. Take turns, you stroke for a bit, she strokes or sucks, maybe rides. There’s no rush. Your dick will still be there tomorrow.

  12. You finish faster when you are not pressured, this shit is not helping you.

    Also, isnt it better for her that you guys can bang longer?


    her insecurity is fucking your togetherfuckings up.


    people need to enjoy things more instead of thinking about it, especially sex. you gotta have no pressure there, then its the best

  13. As much as you want to help her solve this problem, it’s her problem. You do you, she does she, that’s the only way to make it good for both.

  14. Only time this was a problem for me was when I was watching porn. Don’t jack off. The baseball thing doesn’t work to the point of making a girl think she isn’t doing it right, but if your beating your dick like it owes you money prior that day you are gunna have a stimulation issue. Especially if your missing foreskin

  15. My big issue is that I lose feeling with most condoms. So I last significantly longer when wearing condoms. So I need to use plenty of lube.

    And I will give you this one for free. If she isn’t shy, get her to start talking dirty. If my girl says the wrong thing we are done pretty quick.

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