If you wanted to make tee-total (or rarely drink) friends where is a good place to go?

Groups/ places/ towns even???

  1. Well what interests do you have? Maybe a sport, rock climbing etc? Trying lots of new things helped me in a new city.

  2. If you’re specifically looking for someone who doesn’t drink alcohol I don’t really know

    But if you want friends that don’t revolve around a pub then get into some hobbies. Go play tennis, rock climbing, squash, DnD, magic gathering etc etc find something where you’re specifically not around alcohol

  3. UAE?

    Or more seriously, you could try the local climbing wall. Not that they will not drink alcohol, just that the climbing wall is a good social scene where alcohol is not involved. I haven’t really made any friends there but I’ve found plenty of people to chat with and climbing is a great way to build strength and keep fit and happy.

  4. Evening classes are always good, have a look at what your local college could offer

  5. There are sobriety groups that do activities. You can also do activities or meetups that don’t have drinking as the main activity. You can search on meetup.com for activities in your area. You could go to a class for something that interests you like yoga, pottery, martial arts, whatever.

    If you’re sober then there’s lots of communities now that focus on the positive aspects of sobriety, rather than old fashioned groups like AA.

    Good luck and I hope you find what you’re looking for.

  6. Join the LDS church? No tea or coffee for you either but plenty of cake at the socials.

  7. In Liverpool there’s a board game cafe called sugar and dice- each month they have an open gaming night, but if you go in on your own, you may be able to find people who are happy to let you join their group. On top of the general loveliness of the customers and staff, they do epic cakes- well worth a visit if you live in or are visiting Liverpool
    Other cities also have board game cafes, but I don’t have personal experience of them, but I’d imagine they’re pretty cool places too.

  8. Anywhere that has regular meetups with the same people and where there’s time for social chat, so walking groups, clubs, certain volunteering work etc

  9. I have friends who don’t drink in my circle, even though I and others do. Perhaps the problem is you and you should learn to accept others?

  10. The Salvation Army…my family are all members and nice people. Honest …

  11. EventBrite, Spond, Meetup all have recurring events with various interest groups. Find one with a good vibe, and recognize that that vibe is a collective attribute of the other individuals. Add to the vibe and some acquaintanceships will likely evolve into friendships.

  12. 2 quick suggestions of the top of my head:

    At a ramblers club or at night school (choose an interesting topic perhaps).

  13. 1. Join a sports club (tennis is good) and go every single night. Gym is not social, tennis clubs are very social.
    2. Join any adult learning / evening school type thing that is near you. Even if you don’t think you are that interested in the subject. You will meet interesting educated people.

    Good luck. Why not try those two things and then come back to this thread and tell us how you’re getting on? Wishing you well.

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