My wife had a laparoscopic gall bladder removal 7 days ago (a relatively routine but significant surgical procedure) and we’ve been taking it easy in the bedroom, but don’t have any clear guidance about when she will be ready for sex again. She has a high libido and wants to get going again, but so far her body isn’t cooperating. We are both being patient but we are wondering if others have been through this kind of thing and have suggestions for how to slowly get back into the swing of things. (She asked me to post here.)

So far we’ve done some very gentle connecting, mostly her lying in the bed and relaxing and me giving her physical attention, some light fingertip soothing head to toe. Two days ago I gave her gentle oral (with very limited hands/touching involved) that went fine and she actually had one of her stronger orgasms she’s had in months, and she (creatively) helped me finish too. After that night, though, her body kind of shut down and we are wondering if we pushed too far.

Just wondering how quickly others in this kind of situation have been able to progress to more regular sexual activity?

  1. My wife had her gall bladder removed years ago just a tip for your wife because her damn doctor didn’t tell her this now she needs meds the rest of her life or she craps every 15 minutes, tell her DONT eat any greasy foods for awhile it will fuck her body up.

  2. Sex engages the core. She had surgery in her core. She’s going to experience soft tissue healing and a little pain when she engages those muscles. It’s unlikely that you’ll physically injure her – which is why the doctor says whatever she’s good with.

    It was 20 years ago I had my gallbladder removed. I was in my first marriage then. I don’t remember it impacting our sex life at all after the first week – but I do remember feeling tender.

    Best wishes!

  3. Here’s the answer “ ask her if she’s ready” or look on line and check all the answers from reputable sources.

  4. She’s going to be in pain for 2 weeks for sure, maybe 3. Every body is different, but do what is comfortable for her.

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