This applies to both romantic interests and regular friendships. So I’m visiting my college town this week and I went to an open mic last night where I met some really cool people. I played a song with a girl I met and I asked her if she wanted to hang out at a brewery in town tonight. She didn’t respond at first but we eventually planned something.

There’s another girl I was close with in college. We used to play music and smoke weed together and she’d help me write songs. We’ve been out of touch and she unfollowed me on ig on one of her accounts but still follows me on an account she seems to be somewhat active on. That being said I don’t know if it would be appropriate to reach out and maybe ask if she’d like to hang out. I was hurt by her unfollowing me so I’d thought it might be best to just let go. Even if I do decide to reach out I’m not a great texter so it’s possible I’d ruin any opportunity with wording something in an awkward way. What do we think about these situations? Would anyone do something differently?

1 comment
  1. If you want a lower risk way of asking to hang out with someone, just invite them to stuff or events you were going to do anyway. If they don’t show up or can’t come it matters less because either way you were going to be there.

    Also stop thinking and just do. Even if you fuck up a text it’s so inconsequential. Both in the sense of like in a year from now will you really care or even remember, and also in the sense of if she was remotely interested in hanging out then she will overlook it

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