What’s your most memorable one night stand?

  1. I’d say the current one night stand I have next to my bed. Only has 1 drawer with open space below it, but I have some memorable things in that drawer.

  2. The last one I had or will have, who falsely accused me of rape. Pretty memorable.

  3. After we’d completed our tasks, her ex showed up banging on her window. He finally stopped and the next morning we were walking out to her car and he’d parked her in. They got into an argument and guns were pulled (both of them). When I went out the night before, I was hoping to get laid, not get laid to rest.

  4. Only ever had one. I was already pretty sure I just wasn’t a ONS kind of guy, and the one time I tried it, I confirmed that.

    It was at an academic/professional conference at a hotel. I thought I was just making friendly small talk with an attractive female conference attendee, but it turned out she thought we were flirting. I was kind of surprised when she followed me back to my hotel room, but… I didn’t want to be rude.

    The sex was fine. I mean, it was perfectly enjoyable sex. But it left me feeling like “Well, that was kind of pointless. I might as well have just masturbated. It would have been just as fulfilling, and way less complicated.”

    The next morning at breakfast, her friend came over to our table and asked where she disappeared to the previous night. She indicated me and said “I was in his room,” and her friend was like “Niiiice!” and they high-fived.

    Made me feel kind of used and objectified.

  5. Whole night of weed and having sex in a beautiful coastal city. She was interesting so we had some deep talks in between

  6. I can’t say that I remember them all, but there was this one that had a USB charger built into it. That was pretty cool.

  7. Only had one once. She had TRIPPLE G CUPS! they were huge! She wasn’t fat either. Just super busy! She let me cream pie her too. It was a good experience!

  8. it was a brown one with two drawers. it came with coasters too to put my drinks, and it had enough space for my other belongings

    ….oh you meant sex…oops

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