i had this friend for 5 months at school and we were like close friends, we had a lot of fun together and i still remember it deeply.

but during the coronavirus pandemic he moved away and i havent had a proper conversation with him since mid or late 2020.

i have his discord contact info still saved and he sent me a message in our private discord server back in i think 2021 but i never replied to him. im thinking of talking to him again bc i lost all of my friends recently and because we share a similar interest now.

i wanna send him a message through a letter like through the post because itd be fun to write it and send, but wouldn’t it be weird bc i have his contact info and i could send a message from there? i dont wanna do that cause i think itd be awkward.

but what if he rejects me or if hes more of a negative person nowadays? and what would we talk about?

what do yall think? send him a letter or reach out on discord?

  1. Bruh go for it text him on discord first and If I were you I would apologise for not replying and then continue the friendship. It’s always good to reconnect with old friends , but if he gives off bad vibes stay away.

  2. Send him a message online rather than mail first; more casual, less pressure.

    There’s nothing wrong with a written letter at all- but! An online message just has a more relaxed attitude about it.

  3. I just did this after 6 years of disconnect. My text was, “Hey, I was just thinking about you. How are you? It’s been crazy here, but I’m well.”

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