Or how did you make your life more exciting?

  1. Excesses of order need a little influx of chaos. What do you want to do or try that you always put off?

  2. Cut off the internet, put away all screens, and cover up the clocks for weeks on end. The majority of the time being spent cooking, reading, and gardening. It really helps to reset that ol’ serotonin meter.

  3. Sounds crazy, (like two face from Batman) but I roll a die and let it tell me what to do. I make a list of like 20+ different things to do. (Some involving electronics like watch an episode of a show I like and others like practice my guitar for a half hour.) I roll a dice app and do the thing from the list. I add to the list all the time whenever I think I may enjoy something. I have not gotten tired of anything on the list in a long time.

    Variety is the spice of life, so forcing variety forces your life to spice up.
    Edit: Typo

  4. Go hiking bro! Find a hill or mountain, pack your gear and walk up that motherfucker. It will make you feel great every time.

  5. Pick up a challenging hobby, like learning to play a musical instrument really well.

  6. Leave the house and talk to strangers. Go to meetings, events, talk to people at a park.

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