what’s a characteristic that you like more in men than women?

  1. Sense of humor.

    Idk I’ve always found men to be funnier at telling jokes and delivering zings better than women.

    But I still love it when a woman can tell a joke and the delivery is on point.

  2. Their general sense or recklessness, or the “hold my beer” attitude.
    Some women are like that but I think it’s funny how younger men seem to just favor thrill over common sense. “Let’s tie this shopping cart on your motocycle and see what happens dude”

  3. Being respectful of my boundaries.

    In my experience, women were always much quicker to respect my boundaries and more chill if they crossed it and I wanted to be left alone than men, so they weren’t as much trouble; most men I knew would get more aggressive or pushy, therefore I value it all the more when men respect my lack of interest from the get go.

  4. I appreciate it when men are silly, and not afraid to be a fool. A lot of men will posture as unflappable and stoic because they think that’s what women want, so when I see a man just be unapologetically silly, it’s very endearing and I really like that characteristic, whereas in women I tend to not appreciate it as much, maybe because I’m more used to goofy/silly women because that’s who I’m around a lot.

  5. Openly enjoying cute or “girly” things without it taking away from or threatening their masculinity. I love that when my boyfriend sees a puppy or a baby he turns into a massive 6 foot 1 child and just wants to go run over and snuggle it. The first thing he did when I brought him back to my place was run over to my giant cuddly toy, pick it up and go “ooooh big squish!”

    You expect that kind of stuff from girls but when men do it it’s adorable and it lets you know they’re secure enough in their manhood that they can be soft as well

  6. Not necessarily something i like more in men than women but leadership

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