i need someone’s advice about this. i am actually trying to get over it b/c the signs are clear, but still feel like someone else’s pov can help me out a bit.

so there is a guy at work that I’ve liked for quite awhile now. I’ve started to like him when I noticed how much eye contact he’d give me. He’s been checking me out a lot, sometimes he’ll do it right in front of me. I’ll always catch him staring from a distance which can get creepy sometimes. He would always pass by me at my workstation and smile at me, or say hi, or just look at me while turning his head. with all these signs, it seems a bit clear that the feeling is reciprocal, in other words I had the feeling he might like me back.

so with this in mind, I tried my best to be nice to him, and look at him back when he looked at me. so we end up always locking eyes with each other. And I’ll wave at him and smile. the thing is, I feel like he’s never noticed my signs, because he never made a big effort to talk to me if we were alone. it’d just be a simple hi and that’s it.

I decided that one day I’ll ask to text him, because i was going to be gone from work and i wanted to let him know when I’d be back or just give him updates and stuff. But when I asked he refused. The next day I asked him why I wanted to text him, and he ended up telling me that he didn’t want to text because he doesn’t want to give out his number. And after that I just took it as a sign that he’s not interested.

but for some reason, even after that, he seems to always pay attention to me? I tried not paying attention to him because I’m trying to move on, but it seemed like wherever I went, he’d be looking. Like I’d be in a different room and All of a sudden he’d appear.

but idk. I might be overthinking/overreacting. And honestly, maybe he *does* like me, but not in the way I’d hope. I
Just find it weird why for so long, a guy can give you obvious signs of liking you, and then when you ask to text it’s as if he’s never liked you in the first place.

1 comment
  1. He’s odd I think you should stay away from him. Reading this gives me a very bad gut feeling but if you choose to do otherwise then I support you either way. Just stay safe and get pepper spray and don’t get too drunk.

    Maybe he’s just being polite I don’t know but it’s just WEIRD.

    Or maybe he just doesn’t want to pursue you because you both have the same job and that’s messy and understandable. But it would be better if he said that i mean it’s rude of him to seem interested and shut you down. Don’t give him any attention, smiles, or waves and see what happens.

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