I’m currently ghosting a guy I’ve been speaking to for a week (we have never met). I spoke to him last year but we had other college commitments so I decided to tell him that we’d try dating after we both finished college. So he pops up two weeks ago, and we start talking and he wants to take me out next weekend which I kinda agreed to but I’ve changed my mind due to some things. The thing he’s going away back to college as he hasn’t finished yet.

Reasons I’m ghosting: I also found he was being a creep on a couple girls insta comments, commenting on a girls very explicit picture underneath and being kinda creepy and weird. He also seems to have a pornstar/porn obsession. I’ve found this from snooping. He also takes ages to respond but still watches my stories/likes my stuff. Other day he took a day ti respond and was only reminded to respond to me because I posted something. He seems (from the surface) a really nice guy and we get along so well which is why I’m finding it difficult to do this. Should I just send him a message saying I’m not interest instead? I was just ghosting so he’d get the message and I was kinda pissed off with him basically ignoring me for a day without an apology. And I just get a bad feeling from all the other stuff.

  1. If ghosting him is easy and doesn’t weigh on your conscience then do it. If you feel bad just tell him you decided you’re not interested in seeing anyone right now. If he gets rude or aggressive that’s a red flag and isn’t somebody you need to hang out with.

  2. If you ghost and the other person never responds, that’s okay! That’s a mutual ghost. If he reaches out wondering what happened or something, then you might want to let him know.

  3. No, it seems like there are legitimate concerns. I would let him know you aren’t interested and go from there.

  4. To me the only excuse for ghosting is if you feel your safety is in danger. Otherwise a simple “sorry but I’m just not into you” should suffice

  5. >I’m currently ghosting a guy

    Yes. Guy sounds bad. Tell him you’re not interested, might actually find that easier to take than ghosting

  6. This sub seems to think ghosting is a horrible thing to do always. If you don’t have any true established relationship with someone (you’ve literally never even met him), you don’t really owe him a response or an explanation for why. Plus, he seems to have numerous red flags. Ghost him away if you’re comfortable with that

  7. You both seems to be quite toxic, ghosting is never ok, let him know why you are not interested anymore, give him a lesson and move on.

  8. Yeah just send a quick message saying that you changed your mind. End it with “good luck!”.

  9. If he’s such a nice guy the least you can do is let him down easily and go about your merry way. There is no reason to ghost.

  10. If you ghost him, your the red flag too lmao, just tell him ur not interested, it ain’t hard

  11. I only ever ghosted someone once and I still feel horrible about it. The next creepy guy I met, I gave a full explanation when I stopped talking to him. Just tell him the truth, don’t ghost him.

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