So, I’m just not into it.

20 years ago, I wasn’t even aware of this. Never heard of it.

Obviously, it’s become a very popular thing in porn and real life.

I was in a relationship for the last two years. It’s over, and I’m single. Back in the saddle, meeting women again, and


They say they can squirt, they do squirt, etc. I’m not sure if it’s to turn me on, or just a fair warning. Both?

Okay. I’m an adult. I can deal with lots of things. I’m usually very good at talking things through.

But I don’t even know what to say. If a woman *can* squirt* , and is telling me because she thinks I’m into it, it makes sense to just share that I’m not into it, right?

But if it’s somewhat involuntary, then saying I’m not into it might make her feel ashamed or unwanted.

Honestly, I don’t know what to say without making a thing out of it. Any helpful hints?

  1. Oof. Im not sure how you could say it without coming across harsh. I’m a massive squirter and I do it when I cum. So it’s uncontrollable unless I hold back from finishing. I think most women who squirt are like that…

  2. I think honestly is always the best policy. Do you have an aversion to squirting or is it just something you’re neutral on? For me, I can squirt but it’s not all the time, it’s only when my husband purposefully does it so if you told me you weren’t into it, I’d be fine.

  3. I haven’t encountered this but most women don’t squirt so maybe it’s just a trend in how they talk about being very aroused? The best suggestion I have is to ask if you’re going to need extra pads to keep the mattress dry. If she says just a towel will do then I think you’re pretty safe that it’s just normal lubrication. If she says you need waterproof pads then you know there’s going to be pee and you can decide if you are down with that.

  4. Well, my current gf does that trick. I don’t exactly care for it either.

    However I’m glad she told me, it is a regular thing

  5. There is no way you won’t offend her. It is the same as you ejaculating, don’t be shallow, it is sexy as fuck

  6. I love to eat a woman out and I love to make them squirt I eat p**** everyday all day if I have to I Love it

  7. Dude. It is involuntary. If you want to make a girl cum, chances are she is going to squirt. If you aren’t “into it” chances are that your partners will be miserable and too anxious to get comfortable with sex around you. Lastly, saying you’re not into squirting is the equivalent of a woman telling you that she is just not into you ejaculating. See how that can be really harmful?

  8. It’s probably just a heads up, because they don’t want to be embarrassed if/when it happens (and especially if the guy doesn’t like it or is an idiot like “wtfff did you just peee on me??”)

  9. Some women are proud of it and try to squirt as much as possible, and women like me only do it because we can’t help it. I don’t like it and I’m fortunate to have a partner who isn’t bothered by it. It makes a mess if we are not careful. Water proof blankets help a lot for this. Mine absorbs moisture but doesn’t allow the moisture to soak through to the other side. It’s a preference and if some women are happy they can squirt good for them. Some of us would prefer not to and we can’t help it.

  10. As someone who gushes/squirts almost every time and just is way more wet down there I would tell someone I was dating as we got closer to being intimate because I use sex throws and such for the mess. I want to make sure they are into it before it just happens. It’s not like in porn which I also always try and clarify. I just want them to be aware and not end up shamed for how my body reacts.

  11. Well, how would *you* feel if a potential partner wasn’t into your orgasms and was like, “well, if he can’t help it, that’s one thing, but it’s certainly not a turn on.”

  12. I think it is important if the woman say “can” vs “do”. To me one is saying they can if we want to vs do as in it just happens.

    If someone told me they can I would respond with something like “if it happens it happens, but you don’t have to feel like you need to with me. It is more about what you personally enjoy”. With the word do, I feel like the women is just giving you a heads up the sex might be a little messy then maybe you are use to. If that is something that would make you want less sex with thar partner it might just mean you two are not sexturally compatible. Personally I think you also just have to see as some women will produce more fluids then others.

  13. I would not say you’re “not into it” to someone you still wanted to sleep with. I know not everyones squirting is directly linked to orgasm but a lot are. If a guy told me he wasn’t into me cumming the way my body naturally cums I would be totally turned off. That doesn’t mean you have to be into it. If I bring it up and the guy doesn’t say it’s hot or talk more about it, I figure it’s not their button and try to find what is. It still gives them warning and a chance to prepare logistically.

    I also think it’s become more common because sex is discussed and women’s pleasure is more talked about than it used to be. So people hear other people’s experiences and feel more free to explore and talk about it. A lot of women who could squirt don’t because they are holding back or don’t know what is going to happen. Once they hear others talk about it, they might decide to let it happen.

  14. I usually tell men I’m with I can squirt, mainly to judge their reaction and get a feel if he would be okay if I do it. I heard about guys not liking it and I really wanna make sure the guy I like isn’t disgusted by my special ability lol. I gush moreso than squirt usually and I can’t help it. If the guy seems turned off by it then sex will be difficult.

  15. Why do you feel the need to be excessively polite about this? Just say it’s not your thing, that’s good enough.

    It’s not like every woman appreciates being cum *on* either.

  16. Just be upfront. You’re not a match and that’s fine. I tell partners right off the bat for this reason. Quickly weeds out those that don’t like it so we can both move on. I don’t take it personally. Sometimes I wish I didn’t squirt too. It’s a pain in the butt. We get it.

  17. Well, I’ve been with a squirter before, and honestly it should just be what it is. Some women can, some can’t, at least not naturally unless you force it, but then that’s a bit rough and can leave her sore for a while. That’s really it. Some women can cum from having their breasts played with, from giving a blow job, from PIV sex, from anal, or sometimes only from clit stimulation. Some women can only cum from a marathon session using vibrators with PIV sex. Everyone’s different. They should brace their uniqueness, not try to conform to daily bedsheet changers. Just because you cum from being spanked doesn’t mean you’re any less than a squirter….

  18. I always say I DO squirt if you are going to give me an orgasm so lol.. do you like that or what

    ThA way I can gauge out the dude and know like if he likes it or by how really happy he gets bc he’ll be like omg I never been with one before I can’t wait or I really never had anyone say no I do t like it but if I got that from someone I would tell them i would
    Make it the most pleasurable thing for him try change his mind about it 😩🍑💋

  19. I think a lot of women feel it’s almost an expectation now, so they took it upon themselves, or with with their last partner, to figure out some way to do it. I’ve never felt like I needed to, I’ve had lovely orgasms without squirting (wetness, yes, but not squirting). But some guys do expect it from watching porn now. One guy told me he’d love me to squirt in his mouth. Maybe you could say to these women the same thing I said to him, “Thank you for letting me know” lol

  20. (51F) It’s newer, yes. And many consider it a bragging right. When a girlfriend told me she was a squirter, I casually said “That’s cool, but my goal is having multiple O”. She IMMEDIATELY stopped.

    If a woman knows that your goal is her “pleasure” and not necessarily getting her to squirt, maybe it will help. It’s all I’ve got, but I wish you the best🔥

  21. A neutral “ok! I don’t mind either way. Do you usually put a towel down?” can be a good way to accept the information, gauge how often it happens, and let them know you’re meh about it without accidentally being hurtful

  22. Man am going through y’all comments and I can’t wrap my head around the fact that someone can not be into squirting. It is simply the sweetest feeling I’ve ever experienced and I’ve felt like marrying every other girl that’s done it for me.. I just wana get soaked idc

  23. Tell them you personally don’t get off from it but if it ends up happening then whatever, if it full on grosses you out and would be a problem, that might sting them but that’s just a matter of incompatibility.

  24. Don’t say you don’t like it because it’ll make women feel insecure and unable to relax in bed with you
    But don’t give it very much attention I think in normal conversation? I dunno.
    Like “ah yeah that’s cool, and change the subject

  25. Here is a thing, most of the girls cant squirt its rly rare, and most of them that says they can, they just piss literally. True fact
    Cuz alot of guys dont know the difference between a true g-spot orgasm and a fake one. And most of the pornstars cant squirt, they fill them Up with water before the scen,
    U can find alot of documantarys about the true porn industri,

  26. Best to say if you’re not comfortable. Nicely though something like “That’s nice it just really doesn’t appeal to me”.

    Cool if she does, cool if she doesn’t. Wish I could 🤣

  27. A woman saying they can squirt is like a man saying they have a ten-inch dick.

    It’s rare, and it’s what they think you want. Of course, you might not, and you need to communicate this with the woman.

  28. Tell her it’s not a turn on for you, but you’re okay with it if it makes her experience more enjoyable.

    My sexy exxy didn’t like squirting. Still gonna try to squirt tho.

  29. I mean, i guess it would depend on if its a deal breaker level “not into”, or just… meh, not your cup of tea, but whatever. If its NOT a dealbreaker, just say something that acknowledges that youve heard them, but isnt super enthused, and maybe try to continue the convo into an equally sexual level, about something you BOTH enjoy?

  30. “Cool, so when you want to meet?” That’s it becuase 9/10 she’s lying and there won’t be a mess. But put a towel down just in case

  31. Just be a crap lover and it won’t happen again. Ever. Or suck it up and put down a yoga mat and five towels then pretend you’re holidaying by a romantic waterfall. You’re welcome x

  32. Usually, women say they squirt on their sexual partners because they feel ashamed of it. Sometimes squirting can let everything be like a fcking swimming pool. It’s common in porn but in reality, it makes women feel insecure because it is something they can’t control and don’t know if the guy they are going to have sex with hates it.

  33. Keep in mind many women on dating scene are getting constantly asked if they squirt. You may be getting this info because it’s become the new swallow or spit.

  34. The few women I know that squirt, (me included) the squirting doesn’t happen when they cum. It’s a separated thing that can be triggered by stimulating a spot in particular, but rarely arrive simultaneously with orgasm. So generally more easily avoidable than those who do it while orgasming.

    So depending that, for some girl it might be avoidable, but for others it might not be.

  35. For some, it could be a way to make you excited. For others, it could be a genuine warning.

    I girl I dated felt the need to warn me beforehand that she squirts a ton. I didnt mind because my previous ex was also a huge squirter so much so I thought this girl couldnt top that and was simply self conscious about it because her previous bf hated it. Welp, she was right about needing to warn me, she squirted a metric ton, I was actually floored by how much. To the point where the sheets and mattress are completely drenched.

    This is why some of them warn you, because for some guys it could be a problem; either they dont like the feeling, or they dont like having to change the sheets after every sexy time (imagine both having a high sex drive…)

    Definitely thank her for being up front about it, and that while your impartial to it you guys can just use extra towels etc.

  36. I’m honestly tired of it as well OP, and for me people turn it into this expectation, an almost obsession that I HAVE to squirt to have orgasm (which is not the case for everyone, I thought we all knew that tbh,) and that whoever isn’t doing something right if they can’t get me to squirt… Like what the actual hell?

  37. I tell people because I squirt; involuntarily, and a lot. It’s a warning so if they arent into it they can back out

  38. Sooooo many men ask if you can squirt. I think it’s incredibly rude and invasive for one thing the other is that it implies there’s something less desirable about you if you don’t. So I think that’s why women say they squirt. Out of curiosity and for fun I taught myself to do it. I can confirm it’s mostly pee especially when it shoots out really fast and far. Stimulation of the skene’s glands and clitoris can cause pressure and you do release your bladder. I can produce the traditional squirt with over stimulation of the clitoral region. Squirting most often happens before or after orgasm. I’m more of a gusher. Which I believe is more female cum than the geyser. I’m not a scientist and this is just from my person experience.

  39. They are sizing you up and setting expectations because for every male out there who can handle it…there are two who didn’t.
    Best thing you can do is validate the fact she told you and continue with the flirting.
    MAYBE work it into the flirting if you can do it without seeming too pervy.
    Maybe something like:
    “Excellent! It’s good that you know your body well. So can we shower together afterwards? Aftercare is just as important as foreplay. 🙂 ”
    You just have to treat it like she told you she has blue eyes.

  40. I always bring this up to basically give them an out if it’s a deal breaker because I squirt a lot and can’t help it. I feel that warning them is fair just in case they are not into it, and it also gives me a chance to gauge whether they are truly into it or just saying it’s fine.

    I get it if they’re not into it, and that’s entirely their prerogative, but I would rather try to find somebody who genuinely likes it because it can be a lot and it can affect my mental game.

  41. It’s trendy for women to lose their bladder control during sex. You must be seeing some hot young women if they all want to pee on you.

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