I (23F) had a serious relationship with my university colleague. After the break-up I went on tinder and had 4 short dating moments (between 1 month and 3 months) but they never felt in love with me or anything like that. After that I just went silent for 1 year and completely lost my interest in guys. In the past month my feelings came back to life and now I’m ready for a relationship. And I really want one. But I don’t know what to do. Right now I’m on summer vacations. I’m planning to go to some music festivals and travel. Besides that I’m completely free until I go work in September. Can anyone advice me where and how meet guys? Should I go on tinder again? Try to talk with someone at the parties? I consider myself smart and pretty but for some reason I’m not having a lot of luck. The guys that like me I don’t like them, and the guys I like are already taken or the things just don’t work out.

  1. Stay away from tinder, take your time, do your thing, on your travels I’m sure you’ll catch someone’s eye that you will mesh with

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