I see a lot of people in the gym and I just refuse to talk to them and I sense they feel animosity.

The reason I don’t is because I’m ambiverted.. some days I want to talk some days I don’t want to talk. And in the past I’ve felt obliged to talk and it’s drained me. So I started avoiding them and it became awkward.

  1. This is me. I hate feeling obligated to chat people up all the time so I usually act ‘busy’ (or avoid a place altogether) so I don’t have to…I know this is bad because you can tell they feel slighted, but I don’t know what else to do? Also, what else would I talk to them about? I feel so boring that I’m sure they would be bored too. Anyway, I have nothing to add other than I feel ya fam

  2. I know how to chat with people but I’d rather not idk why It’s just the way I am

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