My girlfriend [F23] and I [M 23] entered a long distance relationship about a couple of weeks back.

I want to confront her about something that happened last night. The thing is that we plan to meet in person over the weekend.

Should I bring it up today or wait for the few days and talk it out in person ?

Additional Context:

She got super drunk last night and said/ did things that upset me. She doesn’t drink much and this was the first time she got sloshed.

I’ll bring out the major relevant highlights:

1. She didn’t say anything offensive to me. Only good stuff.

2. She did kiss a guy on the cheek (A guy who her and I both believe has a thing for her and she only met him 10 days back). And she know I don’t like him that much. I don’t know how to process the whole kiss on ‘the cheek’ situation. To be clear, it’s not a cultural thing from where come from.

3. She talked stuff about us which I’m not comfortable sharing with people she met 10 days back.

Edit: Context

  1. Depends on how significant this “thing” is. If it’s something that has hurt your feelings significantly, you may not want to wait. However if you are planning to meet up soon, it is often easier to discuss these issues in person.

    Instead of springing the conversation on her this weekend, give her a heads up. Let her know that you’d like to talk to her about something that happened yesterday when you guys meet up this weekend. In this way you’ve set your own expectations so you can relax knowing that you will talk about this issue, and your partner can prepare too. Of course if she asks to talk about it earlier then you can too.

  2. Certainly something you need to talk about in person. Also, how long have you two been together?

  3. She won’t like it. It won’t change anything. Do you just really want her to hurt?

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