Hey guys… I’ve always wondered where “it” sits in a guys pants. To the left? To the right? Down the middle? Up top?
Please share…

  1. >To the left?



    >To the right?



    >Down the middle?



    >Up top?



    It sits where ever it wants to sit

  2. Its different for different men – that’s why a high end tailor will ask if you dress left or right.

  3. I prefer pointing up myself. I find it pretty comfortable… and if I get an erection it’s already pointing in the right direction.

  4. I do it Up Top. I have to use a pony tail to position it above my dick and then I can tie in that position.

  5. To the left usually but not glued to my leg. That’s annoying. I almost prefer down the middle until it glues to my balls then i have to adjust.

  6. Fun fact: When you get old, you also have to figure out which pantleg to use for your balls.

  7. hahaha. Its squishy and we don’t feel him that much all the time, its not fully armed all the time, so “it” could be in all these places comfortably. And we (at least me) don’t touch it all the time or at least we don’t put it in a place to stay all day.
    I hope I help in some way to understand this. ^^

  8. that depends on the tightness of whatever shorts or pants I wear that day.

    it typically hangs low and to the left because of my ball sack

  9. Depends on the underwear. Briefs I tend to dress up if the pouch is smaller. Down if it is a boxer brief. It has to be down for boxers but I tend to dress left. Easy grab for urinating since I am right handed.

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