What is the minimum salary you’d be happy with?

  1. Depends a lot on where I’d be living and what sort of benefits were available.

  2. It appears impossible to live on anything below $16 an hour, and even that’s tight.

  3. I’m about 5k shy of where I should be based on my job, location, and experience. I have a plan in place with my director though, and I got some bonuses this year that made up the difference for this year only.

  4. This is going to make me sound greedy, but for the lifestyle my wife and I want, probably 300k-ish each?

  5. At this point 85k (SoCal). In the process of starting a new job a little over that 😀

  6. Given the current rate of inflation, there’ s no way I’d be willing to give a specific number. Let’s say, enough to pay my bills, take a modest vacation overseas once a year, and put a little aside in savings.

  7. I’m disabled and I’d just like enough for regular cost of living. I get ~1000 a month and if I had double that my life would be so much easier. So, $24,000 I guess🤷‍♀️

  8. Right now, I’m fine with the salary I would have in a year (43k) as an undergrad. But as a graduate, I’m aiming to go past $100k+ (over many years of experience).

  9. Depends on the circumstance. I’m currently married and my SO is the main breadwinner; my job pays about 1/5 of what his does, and I technically don’t *have* to work, I do it to keep sane because I didn’t enjoy being a SAHM. So I’d be happy with a minimum 55k which is what I make now. If I was a single parent I’d need at least twice that because I’m currently in a HCOL. If we moved to a LCOL and I was a single parent I could probably be fine with my current salary but I don’t know how happy I’d be.

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