My (F20) bf (M20) and I have been together over a year now. I’m usually available to hang out since I am more flexible with what I do in my free time, but I recently decided to put my foot down. I think he’s gotten too used to me always being available. Now when I try to set a definite plan (simply one or two days before), he refuses to give me a straight YES or NO. It’s SO frustrating since his excuse is that he “doesnt know if he’ll feel like it that day”. I personally take commitments with other people seriously and will stick to plans even if I’m not super eager to go that day. His refusal to even try doing that is making me really upset and he doesn’t seem to understand why this is a bad thing. It’s annoying bc when we first started dating he would make plans days in advance, but now it just feels like he’s gotten lazy and has taken my availability and time for granted. I’d really appreciate some advice here. Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if im overreacting 🙁 thank you!

  1. Have you considered being too busy to see him unless he makes plans a couple of days in advance? Yes. He’s become lazy and he’s taking you for granted.

  2. It sounds to me like he is taking you for granted a little bit. I’d say you need to express yourself. In a nice way, for sure. But you need to say that you would appreciate it if you could make some plans. That’s a normal thing that adults do and you have the right to ask him for what you want.

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