The thing is our parents think we will have sex and I don’t want to have sex for one as I live in the uk and it would be underage and two all I want is to just spend the night with my girlfriend and cuddle her and fall asleep next to her and make her feel safe and I don’t know how I could convince my parents to let it happen :////

  1. You probably cant. At least if your parents are smart. It doesnt matter if you say you dont want to have sex, kids who do want to have sex will say literally anything to get it. That and with hormones, you may not plan to do it going in, but that doesnt mean it wont end up happening. Its your parents responsibility to get you to 18 without knocking anyone up. It would be irresponsible for them to cave to your request. Parents have to worry about what their kids are getting up to behind their backs as it is, theyre not going to make it any easier.

  2. The thing is, being underage puts you at risk of legal implications as you are in a situation that could lead to sex, AND be seen as a prelude to sexual activity. Your parents could be held legally responsible and a possibility of you AND your girlfriend being charged with statutory rape sexual assault of a minor. It happens… I know of cases like this and usually the teens say they didnt intend to, but it happened. 18 being the only safe time one can attempt this or have consenting sex with their partner

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