Hey guys,
So, my 22 year old boyfriend just moved here like a month ago from a couple states away. Never went to school here, doesn’t have any family here, he hates drinking or hanging out in any sort of bar area. Of course I love spending all the time in the world with him, but I feel like he won’t fully enjoy it here if he doesn’t involve himself with other people.
Also for alittle background, my town is EXTREMELY small. The only hangouts we have around here are bars, unless we drive an hour away. My graduating class was only like 100 people and everyone around here knows each other. So he’s an outsider to everyone as well. He also suffers some very bad anxiety and has a hard time talking anyway….so I feel like he would need to have an extrovert to kinda bring him out of his shell at first.
He has a job here, and he said his job is full of women and some of them don’t speak that great of English. He loves video games, Star Wars, stranger things, loves being outside sometimes, and animals.
Can anyone give me some advice to help him make some friends?
Thanks everyone!

1 comment
  1. Does he like any sport?
    Is there a club he could join? Or for example some group of guys playing basketball or football on local playgrounf, where he could ask to join?

    Edit to add:
    Could you make some small dinner gathering of 3-5 friends at your home, where your bf could actually get to know some of your friends more easily? Bars aren’t the always the best for that. Or invite few friends for a game night (video games or board games)

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