I’m really quiet around people. I get stressed when I have to talk and when I do talk it comes out really quietly. Even if I try to talk to someone sitting next to me for example, I just can’t. I’m too scared. I have to hype myself up and 30 minutes later I finally say something. Anyone else have or had this problem and some tips?

It’s like I’m paralysed by fear
It’s just getting annoying and I don’t know how to deal with it anymore.

  1. You not alone in that, I have the same thing but it’s weird because I don’t always feel fear I just freeze and my mind gose blank, maybe it’s something deep down trying to prevent you from being heard by others because you feel like your going to be judge by what you say or maybe it’s something eles, you just have to get to the bottom of why it’s happing for me personal it’s probably because deep down I felt like people wouldn’t appreciate anything I have to say I dont feel like I’m valuable in anyway to others or wores people will see me as less then.

    So the only way I can resolve it is by finding a way to feel valuable in some way or maybe just get a careless attitude and just accept it I am what I am don’t think it matters how much I try to be good enough I never will be if Im constantly trying so hard to be something I’m not, to be honest I feel at some points I don’t have a sense of self as I’m to scared to have one felt like it’s unacceptable. Which I knew wasn’t true and I have to keep telling myself that I’m allowed to be me.

    since I’ve been doing that I do feel like I can push myself more, everytime I’m in a social situation and I feel myself shutting down and hiding away I tell myself, I’m alow to express myself and I need to express myself I also imagine that other people are just me and that makes me view people different, almost like there just humans and it makes me view myself as human and not just a worhless piece of shit lol.

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