What was a noticeable change in your body as you neared your 40’s?

  1. Me in my teens and 20s: fill my backpack so full with books that I literally wore out the bottoms, and carry the entire thing on one shoulder without minding the weight

    Me nearing 40: buy a backpack with extra padded shoulderpads and a padded back to carry my 4lb laptop to work without it bothering my back

  2. Two things for me:
    Skin and teeth.

    So, remember to brush AND floss as your dentist says. I didn’t understand how important both of those things were in my 20’s. It’ll end up costing thousands later on to repair.

    Guys, may sound odd but moisturize! lol
    Arms, legs, wherever. As you get older, you’ll start noticing more and more flakiness, then uggghh. Rough skin is one thing (from the treachery of intense labor, okay fine) but flaky skin from lack of care is another. I sound like a Dove commercial.

    Luckily, at least I got the lotion part correct. Over 50 and my skin is great! 😆

  3. I’m 38 and when I was 36 or so, I started noticing wrinkles under my eyes. I thought “meh, I’m just really high from that joint, it’ll look fine in the morning.” Then in the morning I could still see them so I was like “I’m just tired, it’ll look fine later in the day”. Then later in the day … I realized it was permanent.

    BUT, what’s interesting still, is that in the past year I have been exercising a lot, more than I was at 36-37. As it so happens, my wrinkles have become less visible! So it’s nice to see I can still improve my physical looks through better self-care. But there are quite a few things that can help your face stay wrinkle-free for longer, including: reduce stress in your life, down to zero if possible, get 7-8 hrs of good sleep every night, avoid direct sunlight to the face as much as possible (or wear sunscreen if it’s unavoidable), exercise regularly, and eat healthy (no processed foods, not too much refined sugar, no excessive calories).

    And then there’s the grays… I mean I can dye my hair if I wanted to, but I don’t think I’ll dye my chest hair… or my pubes LOL (yes, there are grays in there too now).

  4. Pain all kinds of body parts start to hurt bad knee back shoulder whatever by that age your getting pretty worn out especially if you labor for a living

  5. As a man that did triathlons in my 30s, I would have no problem doing a race, going out drinking, and then waking up the next morning ready to do anything.

    Now, a good 4-5 mile run will make me walking like a broken old man the next day.

  6. Naps have changed from being a luxury on the weekends to becoming a necessity when coming home during the work week.

  7. I have a pain of the day. I wake up and think why the fuck does that bit hurt??

  8. A night of heavy drinking and eating greasy food knowing I don’t have antacids at home feels like living on the edge. And longer hangovers.
    Needless to say I cut down on my binge drinking sessions.
    Apart from that I don’t feel that much different than when I was 30. No back pain, no worn joints, quite a lot of energy.

  9. It’s harder for me to maintain my desired weight. I put on the wrong kind of weight too easily and it’s much more challenging to get rid of.

    My stomach is a lot more sensitive; I can’t eat spicy foods after 6ish pm or I’ll pay for it with heartburn throughout the night.

    …..I took my kids to a theme park last week. Went on a spinning kiddie ride with my 6yo…another father about my age is on the ride too – the ride comes to an end. He looks at me and says “OMG, I think I am going to be sick!” I said “Me too! What the hell’s happened to us?!” 😂

  10. The main thing is that while I can do almost everything. 95% or so as well as I could when younger. It’s just all those 95%s nultiply together and make things cumulatively rather worse.

  11. Um, fuck yes and on into my 40s. Shit just goes to hell in a hand basket. The hard part is getting your brain to reconcile your age with the rest of your body. Cut that backflip off the diving board I used to do? Brain – YES. Body -You’re joking? I’ve literally pulled a muscle just sneezing.

  12. getting gray hair, ball sagging, sometimes little pain from old operations (broken bones etc), feet/ knee hurting sometimes… and u feel the weather in your knees LOL

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