I (25m) understand this could sound creepy, but I hope it isn’t & I do feel I have the best of intentions here haha, but using you all as a sounding board.

There’s this lady (roughly mid / late 20s) on the train I catch & we catch it home at the same time each night.
I have seen her having a few glances at me and when I look up / her direction she looks away, now this has happened a heap of times, though she either only looks at me / my way, or her phone..

Unless I’m reading the room wrong, to me I feel I want to ask her for her number, now my question is, is it intrusive or too forward to ask someone for their number like this? I haven’t had to ask someone for their number in years and years, I feel like a school kid haha, just don’t want to give off the wrong impression

TLDR: is it rude to ask someone for their number on public transport?

  1. Yeah i wouldnt be that forward tbh, maybe just say hello first and youll see very quickly if she wants to talk to you by show she reacts.

    Maybe even before that just smile politely next time you make eye contact.

  2. Say hello and talk to her. But it’s generally vastly more considerate to give someone your number than to ask them for theirs.

  3. I would be careful here. You seem to fixate on her (because you obviously like her). This may warp your view of how much she looks at you etc. It’s fine to want to test things out either ask the person checking the tickets to give her your number, strike a casual conversation and gauche her interest. Mostly just make sure she doesn’t feel forced or trapped.

  4. Talk to her if you’re interested in her. Handing her your number is presumptive and sort of creepy because it sort of signals that you’re just looking for a hook up, and not any sort of relationship. That can feel confronting from a stranger.

  5. Start first at smiling and saying hello to her than going to your seat? If she switches the carriages you have your answer

  6. Instead of swapping numbers right away, I agree with other commenters that you should try talking first. Make sure to give her space and if she moves away from you, gives little to no answer, or won’t keep eye contact, then she is not interested and you should move away if she can’t.

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