My entire life I’ve never been apart of social groups, maybe kind of entered, but I’ve never truly felt like I belonged. Compounded with that I moved abroad in my early 20s I only have a few singular friends. When it comes to being apart of groups or asking about other friends I always get told stuff like, “oh well they just don’t know you very well” or “oh well they’ve known eachother a long time and they’re hard to get to know”

What the hell does this even mean? Even when I was in middle school I remember someone having a party and asking if I was invited and the person saying, “I don’t really know you.” And I have never understood what this means cause obviously other people were invited that they knew just through school and the same level of interactions. To me its just a bullshit way of saying: they don’t want to get to know you. Which is frustrating because it feels like if I was just given a chance I could finally feel like I belong and fit in.

1 comment
  1. People not knowing you, whether it’s coming from “I” or “they,” simply means you have not yet connected with them on a personal level. So, you may have had some superficial conversations, but nothing deep, nothing meaningful. And BTW, a ‘connecting’ conversation does NOT necessarily have to be DEEP. It can be as simple as connecting on an emotional level.

    i.e. Having Your Vibe Connect With Theirs.

    People have been a part of groups for YEARS without ever having this happen. It’s a key skill to develop.

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