So some dopey twat has managed to swipe the side of my parked (in a bay surrounded on three sides by kerbs, very dopey twats) car.

There was of course no note, however the damage is really not bad, a decent scuff on the edge of the wing and a large section of the door, however it doesn’t appear to have gone through the paint so I’ll likely repair myself, very slight dent on the door also.

I certainly wouldn’t bother claiming for this as I’d like to have a go fixing it myself, and the car is destined for scrap once it’s given up on me. Having said that, would you report this to your insurance provider anyway? In my head I fear they’d increase the cost due to continued parking in an area where it’s been damaged, and there’s no benefit to telling them, as they’d neve know it was damaged otherwise. Thoughts?

  1. No I wouldn’t report it, tbh I can’t think of a reason why you would. It will almost certainly be cheaper to arrange to get it fixed yourself.

  2. From your description, I’d say the worst of it would T-Cut out. Definitely not worth reporting as it will disproprtionately impact on your insurance for several years. 8 quid and some elbow grease and you’ll be fine….

  3. Definitely not, unless the car is a specialist car and worth a lot of money it’s rarely worth fixing scrapes. All of my cars have had scrapes and scratches and it’s just the nature of owning a car imo, my car is an asset which is going to devalue, I rarely sell my cars so I am not worried about future value.

  4. You should be be fine so long as you keep it to yourself, how are the insurers ever going to find out? Oh hang on a minute….

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