What is something you miss about the pre cell phone era?

  1. People just accepting that if you didn’t answer the phone you were busy.

  2. Not much. It was pretty awful. I guess it was kinda neat as a kid to find random change left at payphones.

  3. Conversations were all face to face or at the comfort of landlines at specific times. There was less of a feeling that I had to reply as fast or that if I missed a call, it would be a big deal.

    It meant we really had to remember things about the other person. There was just something that felt.. more close-knit

  4. Cool pagers we had. I used to check it more often than I check my cell phone.

  5. I didn’t have a land line growing up etc… for me being in the moment not having to answer people because they can see you have seen their message.
    I lock my phone from 7pm to 8am, so only my children can ring me.
    My partner and I also turn off our work phones from 5pm and turn them back on at 8am. I do not take any work home my bosses have tried, I said no home is home work is work.
    I have had the job where you have to be connected 24hrs a day no thankyou never again.

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