We met in university class. Guy seemed cool so I gave him my number. After about 2 months he asks me out and acts kinda clingy during the date and seemed sexist towards trans/gay’s when I asked him how would his parents act if he turned gay.

Anyways, he drops me off saying he’s going to kiss me… I showed him I was uncomfortable and said I didn’t see him that way and I went off. He then texts me saying he had a great time and would like to do that again. Not sure why he still hasn’t picked up the idea that I don’t like this guy. 4 days later I text him back rejecting him clearly and he says thanks for keeping it real with him and we stay friends.

The weird thing is I asked him for help on an assignment and he acted like he was so smart but I figured out he was cheating so I went online and exposed him anonymously and texted him to go see the comments that were written online by “someone”. He ghosts me and that was that. 1 years later he texts me explaining how he was accused of cheating but actually didn’t and he’s messaging me on behalf of a “friend” who happens to be a girl. I smelt bs from his end so I purposely told him how could I help him out

When he asks me the question I left him hanging (I’ve done this to him before and he finally bugs off when I leave him hanging). Why are guys so clueless in these types of situations?

TLDR- overly invested guy from my class keeps trying to impress me despite the fact I’ve rejected this dude. Seemed chill at first but is obnoxious. Thoughts ?

1 comment
  1. Block him and move on. He’s a cheater and he has a poor sense of boundaries. No reason to keep in contact.

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