I don’t know if I’m taking the terms “insecure” and “confident” too literally since most people just take it to mean feeing positive or negative about yourself.

But if we’re using literal terms, why can’t a person be confident in being ugly? I don’t understand why we label people as insecure just because they view themselves as ugly. Like if I’m really bad at something and I admit that, it’s not insecure, it’s just being confident in something negative.

I have no idea what confident and insecure mean, and I’m confident I don’t know what they mean. But then that means I’m insecure about the definition. You know?

  1. In theory, yeah, but I think it’s hard for most people to grasp the concept of being okay with being ugly since attractiveness is so heavily valued in society/they view ugliness as an objectively bad trait

    I’d also guess that if you’re routinely complaining that you’re ugly to other people it would come across as insecurity

  2. Telling people you’re ugly will make them feel awkward and come across as overly self deprecating and self critical. Its totally unnecessary.

  3. Confidence in the context of a person would mean that they are “certain in their **self**”. You can be confident that you are ugly, but that doesn’t make you a confident person (in the most widely spread meaning). Someone being confident in them being ugly, would only mean they are certain that they are ugly (a belief about themselves) which would usually be matched with a lower confidence in their **self** since being ugly is usually negative.

    That’s how I understand it, hopefully it made sense 🙂

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