What sort of man or woman might you by no means be buddies with?

  1. Someone who doesn’t take any care of themselves or their possessions whatsoever, bullies me or my friends, or thinks that video games cause violence.

  2. The kind of guy who constantly gossips and talks bad about other people to you. If they constantly put others down, especially for no reason than pure gossip, you can be rest assured they do the same when you are not around.

    I was always confused by people who put others down simply because of a vibe or observation. There was no beef or altercation between this person and the person they gossip. But they just wanted to gossip and put them down.

    Hard avoid.

  3. Toxic arrogant people that do not want to admit that they are wrong and talk shit about you behind your back.

  4. someone who can’t get past the gender binary that’s been shoved down our throats

  5. Man: the kind who’s only interests lie in sports. There’s nothing wrong with this but I personally find it difficult to make conversation with hyperathletic dudes/gym bros

    Woman: radfems. No reason to even interact with them beyond calling them klanswomen

  6. People who cling to their victim mentality and and feel entitled to everything, and by the gods don’t dare ask them to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

  7. Anyone who resembles my dad and toxic relives I am forced to travel 8.5 hours to visit.

  8. Mean people are the worst sort of people to me, doesn’t matter if I’m their target or not…

  9. Men with hyper feminine traits i.e guys who work in fashion or retail fashion etc or white knights honestly both horrible.

    Most women unless they have been a tomboy for basically their whole life.

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