I know this question is probably over-asked and potentially sounds like I’m against women having preferences–which I’m not–, but I’m genuinely curious.

The last time I checked, I was just over 5’9″ (176 cm). I know I’m not exceptionally short; I’m pretty sure it’s only a hair below the American average. Still, I can’t help but feel insecure around taller guys.

Besides my height, I feel incredibly confident in who I am. I’m studying finance at a great business school, and–after falling in love with programming in January–I’m helping teach two Python classes next semester. I also lead a Bible study at my church and try my best to be a stand-up guy in all other aspects of my life; I’ve never drank, done drugs, partied heavily, etc.

I don’t care about my height for its own sake. I care about my height because I’m afraid women I’m interested in will care about it. After all, even though this may sound harsh, I wouldn’t want my future son to be 5’9″ if I had a choice in the matter. This doesn’t pair well with the fact I only date people I could see myself marrying, which whittles down my dating pool to highly ambitious, intelligent women.

So, as bluntly as possible, how will my height affect my dating experience? Thanks!

  1. I’m 19y [M] 152cm, and I’m never had problem with this, I’m literally short asfuck, you’ll be fine, don’t worry, go for it.

  2. We can’t say for sure just because every woman is different. I’ve dated someone 5’3 and it didn’t bother me because I’m a short woman myself. It really just depends and you shouldn’t be so hyperfocused on it.

  3. At 5’9, your height is highly unlikely to be the primary reason you can’t find a date

  4. I believe that is the men’s North American average height.

    A modest disadvantage, (women do prefer somewhat taller), so probably 1/3rd will find 5’9″ just fine in my estimation.

    Does anyone know if a formal study of this has been done? Surely the dating sites have such stats on hand.

  5. I’m 5’6″ I prefer men/women taller than me, but it isn’t a sole deciding factor. I’ve had men and women I’ve dated shorter than me.

    It was stuff like hygiene, interests, and personality that got me.

  6. You might run into the occasional girl with a height complex giving you shit because “mY bOyFrIeNd mUsT bE 6fT oR mOrE” but overall your height is alright

    Most girls don’t have a strict height preference it’s just that those who do are very loud and obnoxious about it

  7. All the tall single men will tell you it doesn’t matter, especially at 5’9″

  8. If it does then ask yourself… would you have wanted to establish a family with someone who found your height a ‘problem’?

    I’m not saying it’s wrong to have a certain criteria but my point is do you want to spend time with someone who might be unattracted to you

  9. Women unconsciously value height. The way to go then would be either power or charisma. But that is not your problem, as 175 cm is good enough. If you want to find fault with something in your dating life then look somewhere else. You are barking at the wrong tree.

  10. It sounds like you are crushing it in the other areas of your life, so just focus on the things you can control. I’m sure you look at guys who are 6’+ and say “damn, I wish I was them.” But guess what? You have things that they don’t. Maybe you’re smarter, maybe you have good social skills, maybe you have a good career, maybe you have a good head of hair. Humans vary on an infinite number of dimensions and nobody maxes out their stats in every category. We all have insecurities, but you have to play the hand that you are dealt.

    By the way, 5’9″ is exactly average. So this won’t really have a large impact on your dating at all IMO

  11. Depends on the women you’re trying to date. I met a guy that’s 5’5 but idc bc he’s beautiful, confident, & makes me swoon. Stay confident, you’ll be fine

  12. I understand how you feel, I’m 6 ft 3, and find it hard finding women.
    I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not tall enough…

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