My and my ex dated in college. We didn’t even date technically. We were never official. But were together the whole 4th year of college. Spending the night with each other. Having sex. Emotional connection. Same friends… but the relationship never had a fair start…. she told me she didn’t want to date anyone officialy for a few years. Understandable, she was just coming off of a few years of failed relationships, we were graduating and who knows where wed end up after.

She also was the one who started the connection. We were both into each other. We went on a trip together. She was the first one to confess how much she wanted me. While we weren’t dating, she told me I was the type of guy she wanted to marry……


anyways. It didn’t work out. She actually “cheated” with her ex. Not cheating right because we werent technically official. But she lied to me and all her roomates at the time saying she was going to her moms for the weekend, and instead she drove to another state to see her ex.

We aren’t together, we graduated, she moved states. I took it very hard. I was depressed for a while. We still kept in contact for a few years probably once a month. We would be kind to one another. She kind of offered emotional support that probably wasn’t healthy. She started dating a new guy. We don’t talk anymore. I havn’t heard from her in 2 years.


Recently a close friend got married. Had a small wedding with some friends. of the people who were invited because they knew the husband, these are all my friends from school.. the only girl invited was my ex. She went and I was not invited. Frankly I don’t think I couldve been there with her there, idk how id handle it. And so it makes sense that since she was there I wasn’t invited…… but it sucks.

I know its been a long time and I need to move on. Im just saying how I feel. People love her, she gets into trouble sometimes, she has been a part of a lot of drama, but she is fun and people like being around her, and now she got invited to my friends wedding and I didn’t even go because she was there… idk what to do. I just want to complain and it sucks and I know the only thing is I have to get over it and live my own life but what the fuck



My ex got invited to friends wedding and I didn’t and I don’t know how to get over this shit

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