Need quick advice? Ask here! We know you might have a date this weekend that is one your mind. Ask away.

  1. I hope everyone gets a hug today.


    I haven’t been hugged since 2011 but I feel like we all need it

  2. How to keep some sort of flame alight when you aren’t going to see someone for another month or so? Long distance currently but will be moving in the next few months….

  3. I forgot to save the name of someone I met on Tinder after we switched to phone numbers. (I typically don’t really save a number until it becomes something worth saving.) Then they unmatched me on Tinder but we have kept a pretty solid text conversation and are meeting up this weekend. I can’t go look at the app to see our previous match to get her name.

    I don’t know her name. It’s been a week, she’s actually worth meeting, hilarious, sexy, straight forward, and thinks I’m cute. We’re meeting this weekend.

    How do I figure out how to get her name when it’s… way too late to just ask?

  4. I’m at the age old crossroads of “is he losing interest or is he just bad at texting”. All signs point to losing interest, but then he engages and it’s very genuine? But it’s also less than before, but then he mentions “seeing me again” – I’m getting mixed messages. I did this last week and assumed he wasn’t interested after barely hearing from him, asked if we were still on for rough plans and he was all “yeah!”. Do truly bad texters exist when you’re interested in someone? I’m a bad texter – and when I’m into someone – I’m all in. So it doesn’t make sense to me.

  5. I want to get that guy out of my head, we basically met one time and i fall hard for him.. rhen chated daily for 4 months without any second date then he out of sudden unfriended me.. i’m seeing other guys who are nicer and better.. but can’t feel anything with them.. and my brain keeps going back to him..

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