I like keeping to myself, I like being quiet, I like just… being in my own world.

However, if I want to bring more people and connection in my life, I have to leave that. I’m not really talking about just a simple learning how to leave your comfort zone, I’m talking about if you have to go against everything you prefer, then does it get to a point where you’re just abandoning yourself? If I want to be noticed more, I have to go against my general preference for being quiet. If I want to be a part of something, I have to go against keeping to myself. Where do I draw the line between a general willingness to change for others and complete abandonment of myself?

  1. Who you are is just a narrative you tell yourself in your head. To everyone you’ve ever met its a different person, a unique interpretation based on their time with you at that time in that context.

  2. Knowing your preferences and completing actions are different. Completing actions occur when you act on your preferences, try to accomplish a task, or wish to experience something outside of your preferences. You’re not consciously abandoning those preferences for others, and if your preferences of interaction change then that’s fine, people change, and you changed from experience and not because you forced yourself to think of things differently.

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