I’ve been in 2 relationships my entire life, one of which was my ex-wife. We met at 19, married at 25 and split at 34. I’ve only had sexual relations with her and 1 other. Now, I’m am not an ugly guy by no means (not meant to seem full of myself just the truth) and I’ve had plenty of “offers” and opportunities in my life, even now that we’ve split up but I’ve taken exactly 0% of those opportunities. Is it wierd to hear of a guy my age with this record?

Women only: Is that a “turn off” or seem “suspicious”, weird, or what? Genuinely want to know. Please keep it respectful šŸ˜Š

  1. Itā€™s concerning that you donā€™t know how to spell ā€œmarriedā€ ā€œseparatedā€ and ā€œweirdā€ at 38, but to your question, itā€™s not suspicious that you were faithful in a long term monogamous relationship and have only been with two partners because of it. Thatā€™s a major green flag for most women.

  2. Not a turn off in any way possible. Kind of a turn on, for me anyway šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø sex isnā€™t about how many partners you have or how experienced you are, itā€™s about the connection with the person you have when your getting intimate, the going above and beyond to make sure your partner gets there with you for the ending, itā€™s all about that connection for me! Could care less how many partners you have or how much experience you have!

  3. Not a turn off. Any particular reason why you’re not exploring your sexual freedom more?

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